is there a way to kill now?
Don't ask me. You are the ones meant to be solving these problems! --TimHunt (Well, OK, black can live this way, but there is a better move to live that makes more territory. However, what happens when white starts is probably more interesting.)
Dave: Looks like all the ideas are there but the sequence is not quite right. Black has a resource that hasn't been discovered here but with a little clean up it wouldn't exist. :-)
Arno: The moves are of course in the wrong order. Because after Black does not play at but at instead and lives.
Arno: This is how White can kill.
TimHunt: Oh no it isn't! Black can play at . Also, no one has yet found the right first move if black plays first.
IanDavis if this involves cards you're in trouble ;-)
Dieter: Order ! Order in the room ! And order of play ... Anyway, this is my solution if White begins.