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Tuttle Publishing, formerly known as Charles E. Tuttle and Company, is a mainstream publisher who commonly publishes books on Japan and related topics, including Go books. As they are a mainstream publisher, their books can commonly be found at [ext] Amazon.com and many bookstores throughout the U.S.

Their web site: [ext] http://www.tuttlepublishing.com/ .

Go Books published by Tuttle:

There is much history involved in some of the books published by Tuttle. The Theory and Practice of Go is a translation of a book originally published in German in 1880. The Game of Go was actually the very first Go book available in English, originally published in 1908 by Moffat, Yard & Company and then reprinted by Tuttle.

The Tuttle Go books have long been known for being primarily of historical interest. While the books were good at the time (they were the only game in town, so to speak) they have been supplanted by much better books published by other publishers. This reputation changed for the better however when Go Basics -- Concepts And Strategies for New Players and Go -- More Than a Game by Peter Shotwell were published, as they are commonly held to be genuinely good introductory books.

Tuttle Publishing Books at Sensei's Library

Charles E. Tuttle and Company Published Books at Sensei's Library

Tuttle last edited by bugcat on July 4, 2021 - 12:42
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