See Miai Values List for conventions and explanation.
(Assumes an infinite White territory to the right.)
Ambiguous exchange. Later, - is also ambiguous (1.00).
Black a would be an overplay, because of shortage of liberties. White replies at .
If the exchange - is sente (and White can block at ), this is worth one point more than in the double gote situation.
This assumes infinite White territory to the right, and also assumes that Black can get at least one significant ko threat.
Ricky Demer: I showed that if Black barely has ko threats and can't get any bigger ko threat, then it's not worth it for White to prevent the monkey jump at this temperature.
Charles Assume that Black can't resist when White plays a, and Black must play b. Then the value is 4.5 if Black c will be sente later, or 5.5 if White at c hane-connect is sente later. That is, White gains four points anyway and takes away the circled points in the diagram above. The value is at least 4.5; if White also has c in sente to take away the square-marked points it is 5.5.
As Bill says, we tend to need the boundaries of territories to be marked.
HolIgor: I assumed
But in this case Black needs a to be protected. Charles Yes: so is here tesuji in this case? White b, Black c creates shortage of liberties for Black.
tapir: After the sequence ends up sente for white. 9 points sente = miai value of 9 - which is bigger than the 5.5 of the probable version. (= here is wrong)
If the first-line hane followup is sente for both sides and there are no ko threats, the value is 5 points.
If White can't play at , then -- is a 5-point ambiguous sequence. In that case, at is a 5-point reverse sente.
What it says there ... ?%%% (Assumes infinite White territory to the right and sufficiently large Black territory to the left.)
dnerra: If both sides cannot block the first-line hane (here black would cut at if White played at , leading to a ko disaster for white), the value is 7 points. This also assumes that the clamp with at does not work. I think that sometimes the descent of at is larger, but this is difficult to tell.
Bill: I think that this is a case where the proverb that says that the monkey jump is worth 8 points applies. If is an 8 point sente, then the descent is worth 10 points. (After the reverse sente Black has gained 2 points.)
(Assumes infinite White territory to the right.)
Charles Bill, you edited this out - a problem ...?
Bill: The problem is that it is not correct play, given the conditions. The monkey jump is. Yes, if you play it, you pick up 3 points. But values are based upon correct play. You assume that your opponent's play is correct to obtain a value. Yours should be, too.
Charles OK - I think it would be useful either to have 'starred' status for something as conceptually basic as this one; or to include it in a footnote or other area. And to decide whether, for example, the comparison with the small monkey jump should be done on-list or off-list.