Ricky Demer's analysis regarding the monkey jump's value


I find myself skeptical of the claimed values for the monkey jump being correct when

if White prevents it, a subsequent hane-connect by White would be gote


Black barely has ko threats and Black will not get any bigger ko threat


Table of contents Table of diagrams
Monkey Jump
Prevent Monkey Jump
After Preventing Monkey Jump
Preventing Monkey Jump
Monkey Jump
Simplified Monkey Jump
The response I’m looking at
If B3 is tenuki
If Black does not block the descent
Black blocks the descent
If B5 is tenuki
If Black does not capture W4
Black captures W4
If Black’s next local move is random and at high temperature
If Black’s next local move is filling the ko at high temperature
If Black waits for low temperature
If Black ignores W1
If Black responds to W1
Black enlarges the ko
If Black backs down from the ko
Black plays a ko threat
Thermographically interesting situation

Text to be discussed

I added the circles on the left. The next two diagrams and notes are otherwise taken exactly from the section showing the monkey jump in the article Miai Values List / 2.00 and more.

4.42 (4 5/12)

Monkey Jump  

(Assumes infinite White territory to the right.)

Prevent Monkey Jump  

(Assumes infinite White territory to the right.)


White prevents the monkey jump

After White prevents the monkey jump, the remaining play is just the 1-point hane-connect. Thus, the resulting temperature is strictly less than 2, so the players are assumed equally likely to get it.

After Preventing Monkey Jump  

In other words, preventing the monkey jump reaches this count in gote.

Simplifying the position

Preventing Monkey Jump  

Putting black stones at the circles here only stops their intersections from being black territory and gives Black up to three extra removable ko threats. Aside from the obvious shift by 2, that does not affect the count.

Monkey Jump  

Aside from the same shift by 2, making the circles here Black can’t make things any worse for Black. Thus, making them Black in both cases can only increase the difference between this diagram and the previous diagram.

Simplified Monkey Jump  

Accordingly, I simplify to this diagram.

White’s response to the monkey jump

The response I’m looking at  

I am considering White responding to the monkey jump immediately with W2.

Black does not block the descent

If B3 is tenuki  

If B3 is tenuki, then I consider White immediately playing W4 and White protecting W4 by connecting at circle. I assume that despite protecting W4 that way, the area to the right of W2 will be solid white territory. Under that assumption, at the cost of one net move, White has done locally two points better than having prevented the monkey jump.

If Black does not block the descent  

If Black continues locally anywhere other than W4, then I consider White responding immediately with W4. I assume that the area to the right of W4 is solid white territory (even if B3 is in there). Under that assumption, at the cost of zero net moves, White has done locally at least one point better than having prevented the monkey jump.

Black blocks the descent (White throws in)

Black blocks the descent  

The remaining case is Black continuing with B3 blocking the descent. In that case, I consider White responding immediately with W4.

Black blocks but does not capture

If B5 is tenuki  

If B5 is tenuki then I consider White immediately playing W6 and White protecting W4 and W6 by connecting at B3. I assume that, despite protecting W4 and W6 that way, the area to the right of W2 and W4 is solid white territory. Under that assumption, at the cost of one net move, White has done locally two points better than having prevented the monkey jump.

If Black does not capture W4  

If Black continues locally anywhere other than at W6, then I consider White immediately connecting with W6. I assume that the area to the right of W6 is solid white territory (even if B5 is in there). Under that assumption, at the cost of zero net moves, White has done locally at most 1 point worse than having prevented the monkey jump. (Recall that the value of preventing the monkey jump was supposed to be over 4.)

Black blocks and captures the throw-in

Black captures W4  

The remaining case is Black continuing by capturing W4. In that case, I consider White responding immediately with W6 and then White being willing to let the temperature drop. Note that

``6-"(supposed_value_of_preventing_monkey_jump)" = 6-4 5/12 = 1 7/12`` .

If Black’s next local move is random and at high temperature  

Suppose that with temperature strictly above ``1 7/12``, Black plays the next local move, and that that move is somewhere other than the five marked points. In that case, I consider White responding immediately at w. I assume that that will make the circles and the area to the right of them solid white territory (even if B7 is in there). Under that supposition and assumption, a white play at b would get at least ``4`` points more than the territory I just mentioned, so Black can’t do better than B7 as in the diagram and playing b at temperature strictly above ``1 7/12``. That would leave White locally at most ``6`` points worse than preventing the monkey jump. However, ``6`` points is strictly less than the temperature at which Black got b plus the supposed value of preventing the monkey jump. (I.e., it would not be worth White having spent ``4 5/12`` to prevent this.)

If Black’s next local move is filling the ko at high temperature  

Suppose that with temperature strictly above ``1 7/12``, Black plays the next local move, and that that move is filling the ko. In that case, I consider White responding immediately with W8. I assume that that will make the circles and the area to the right of them solid white territory. Under that supposition and assumption, b is at least a 3-point play, so the “so Black ... prevent this” from the previous diagram’s analysis applies here too.

Black blocks and captures, White recaptures

Note that ``2*2 17/24 = 1+4 5/12 = 1+"(supposed_value_of_preventing_monkey_jump)"`` .

If Black waits for low temperature  

I assume that Black is not komonstrous. If Black lets the temperature drop below ``2 17/24``, then I consider White taking the ko until Black ignores that or does something locally other than just retaking.

If Black ignores W1  

Suppose that with temperature strictly below ``2 17/24``, Black ignores W1. In that case, I consider White immediately playing W3 and White protecting W3 by connecting at black+circle. I assume that that will make the area to the right of W1 and white+square solid white territory. Under that supposition and assumption, at the cost of ``2`` net moves at temperature strictly less than ``2 17/24``, White has done locally ``1`` point better than having prevented the monkey jump.

If Black responds to W1  

Suppose that with temperature strictly below ``2 17/24``, Black responds locally to W1. In that case, I consider White immediately filling at black+circle. I assume that that will make the area to the right of W1 and white+square solid white territory (even if B2 is in there). Under that supposition and assumption, at the cost of one net move at temperature less than ``3``, White has done locally at most ``1`` point worse than having prevented the monkey jump. (Recall that the value of preventing the monkey jump was supposed to be over ``4``.)

Black enlarges the ko  

The remaining case is Black playing a circle while the temperature is at least ``2 17/24``. (I am aware that Black playing the lower-right circle would let White crush the ko. However, I would need this analysis for the other three circles anyway.) In that case, I consider White responding immediately by taking ko with W2. For this case only, I assume Black’s external ko threats are all small.

(The following analyses apply regardless of which of the four circles B1 is at. I simply picked the one that does not give White local threats.)

If Black backs down from the ko  

Suppose that Black responds locally to W2. In that case, I consider White in turn responding immediately by filling the ko. I assume that the area to the right of W2 and white+square will then be solid white territory (even if B3 is in there). Under that supposition and assumption, at the cost of zero net moves, White will have done locally at most ``1`` point worse than having prevented the monkey jump. (Recall that the value of preventing the monkey jump was supposed to be over ``4``.)

Black plays a ko threat  

Suppose that Black instead plays a small external ko threat. In that case, I consider White ignoring it and White immediately playing W4 and White protecting W4 by connecting at black+square. I assume that the area to the right of W2 and white+square will be solid white territory. If Black does not now carry out Black’s ko threat, then there was no point in Black using the ko threat, so I further assume that Black now does carry out the ko threat. Under that supposition and those assumptions, Black spent one net move at temperature at least ``2 17/24`` to carry out Black’s ko threat, in return for White being locally ``2`` points better than having prevented the monkey jump.


Compared to having prevented the monkey jump, White’s overall score from preventing the monkey jump at temperature ``4 5/12`` is ``-4 5/12``. On the other hand, White’s overall score from the above diagram will be ``T-S+2``. Recall that if Black lets the temperature drop below ``2 17/24``, then White scores better than preventing the monkey jump by starting the ko before Black enlarges it. If ``T >= 2 17/24``, then the only way one can have ``T-S+2 <= -4 5/12`` is if ``9 1/8 <= S`` .

Since ``2* 4 5/12 < 9 1/8`` , it follows that Black having extremely small secondary ko threats is not sufficient for it to be worth White preventing the monkey jump at temperature ``4 5/12``, assuming Black is not komonstrous.

Subtleties excluded

I phrase the above conclusion carefully, to avoid subtleties such as the following diagram, which is based on [ext] https://www.littlegolem.net/jsp/game/game.jsp?gid=1833985&nmove=113 .

Thermographically interesting situation  

What is the miai value of circle? (Note that the diagram is not hyperactive.)

Discussion of Subtleties

Bill: When Black is komaster White to play gains ⅔ pt. by playing circle in reverse sente. The miai value is thus ⅔. When White is komaster Black throws in at circle between ambient temperature 1⅔ and 1 to force White to take and win the ko while Black takes profit elsewhere. The count remains the same at -2⅓, but the local temperature (miai value) depends on who is komaster. I dubbed such ko positions as active.

RickyDemer: ​ ​ ​ No. ​ When White is komaster Black throws in at circle between ambient temperature 1⅔ and 2+(1/9), which is too high for White to find it worthwhile to take and win the ko while Black takes profit elsewhere.

Bill: But when Black throws in, White gets an extra point for winning the ko. That is what raises the local temperature by 1 pt. to 1⅔.

At temperature 2 suppose Black throws in. White takes. Black plays elsewhere, gaining 2 points, and so does White. Then Black takes the ko back. If we are using Berlekamp’s original komaster rule, White simply fills the ko, leaving a ⅓ pt. ko. The net gain of all of these plays is zero. The fact that Black can play with sente above temperature 1⅔ does not raise the local temperature (miai value). At the local temperature the players are indifferent who plays the ko.

RickyDemer: ​ ​ ​ It raises the temperature by 1 point, not to 1 point. ​ At temperature below 1⅔ (in particular, at temperature between 1⅔ and 1), a White komaster limits Black to one play elsewhere in return for making the local outcome -4, which is better for White than an overall outcome of -2⅓. ​ (Thus, Black should throw in at higher temperature, rather than waiting until the temperature is between 1⅔ and 1.)

Bill: You are arguing against something that I never claimed. The White komaster thermograph is a crooked line, rising vertically from a count of -3 at temperature 0 until temperature 1, when it makes a 45° turn to the left, until it reaches a count of -2⅓ at temperature 1⅔, at which point it rises vertically to infinity. The base of the mast at a count of -2⅓ indicates the local temperature, which is 1⅔. That’s what you asked about to start with.

(Later: I see that originally I did not explicitly state that the miai value when White is komaster is 1⅔. Sorry if that was not clear.)

Author’s declaration

In case any of this ends up being cited for whatever reason, I’m mentioning that my legal name is “Eric Demer”.

Ricky Demer's analysis regarding the monkey jump's value last edited by on May 28, 2019 - 16:15
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