This page is meant as a place to keep track of the status of LifeIn19x19. If there is trouble, then it can be announced here.
If you have trouble with the site, you can report it here. Please keep in mind that the problem might be at your end. If the site is unreachable, maybe your internet provider is having connection problems, or nameserver problems. If the forums don't work right, it might be a browser issue, like cache or cookie permissions. You can also contact the administrators at
Sep 18, 2024
xela: down at 00:58UTC: No error message, just can't connect. Update: came back a few minutes later.
June 1, 2023
kmr - works fine now for me, 22:00 GMT
May 31, 2023
kmr - does not work for me, as 9:00 GMT
RobertJasiek: not working, confirm, 16:44 GMT. See Recent Changes / Online Go.
Apr 6, 2023
kmr - works fine now.
Apr 4, 2023
xela: For me it's been down since at least 12 hours ago (haven't checked during the last few days). And is showing it as down for everyone. No error message from the site itself, just connection timed out.
Elom: Same for me.
kmr - same here too.
Oct 7, 2022 xela: It seems that the site is back up now (at least for me) JoazBanbeck: Speaking as an admin, it is up for everybody.
Oct 6, 2022 Kirby: I contacted Adrian about this, but haven't got a response, yet. For admin type things, we have some backups, but for technical issues like this, it'd seem our bus factor is still one. We'll have to wait for Adrian, because he is the only one with access to the server files and db.
Oct 5, 2022 JoazBanbeck: It is down again. All attempts to login appear to be met by a notice that the user's IP has been banned - regardless of IP.
Nov 11, 2021: JoazBanbeck: It has been down for a few days now. Anybody got contact info for apetresc?
June 2, 2021:
Dec 28th, 2020:
Nov 8th, 2020:
JoazBanbeck: It turns out that it was a server problem. It wasn't maintenance and it wasn't scheduled. None of us admins were involved.
Nov 8th, 2020:
JoazBanbeck: We're back up. I am surprised that I was unaware of it too.
Nov 7th, 2020:
Bill: I was unable to upload a note on Thursday afternoon (Nov. 5). For a while I was getting a blank screen whenever I tried to connect, and I sent an email to Kirby. Later on I got the "scheduled maintenance" page, so I figured that the problem was being worked on. I am surprised that you were unaware of it.
Nov 7th, 2020:
JoazBanbeck: I went to L19 at about 9:22AM, Pacific Time, and saw this:
L19 is temporarily down for some scheduled maintenance. Don't worry, we'll be back soon! :)
Anybody know what is going on?
Feb 19+20, 2017 — L19 is up again!
For information about what happened, see
Feb 18, 2017 Please check this thread on r/baduk Kirby and apetresc have thankfully taken over the domain and the forum data, hopefully we can meet there again in a day or three.
Feb 18, 2017Just checked today and got a message about a new site, not the usual error message. Is this progress or further deterioration?
Feb 17, 2017 Hi all, is there any update on the status? lifein19x19 has been down for 9 days now and people are probably starting to transition from "eagerly check every day to see if it's up yet" to "assume it's down forever and maybe check back in a month". DanSchmidt
DrStraw: Well, I am down to checking once a day now and have moved back to a coin forum I used to read only occasionally.
Feb 12, 2017 Kirby here, again. I think our bus factor is too low in this situation. We have a number of admins with capability to make site updates, but just a single person to address database and/or hosting issues. Jordus has been doing a good job on that front, but with a few others that could work on this, there would be a better chance of getting the site live more quickly. Just my opinion...
daal I agree. It's been a week since we were told the site would be up in 24-48 hours, and all of the capable admins can do nothing but twiddle their thumbs. Having all the control in one person's hand is not the best solution in times like these...
Feb 12, 2017 Joaz here. I've been in touch with Jordus, and the problem is apparently as quoted in Kirby's post via reddit. So the technical issue should be fixable. Unfortunately, I'm not the person with the technical knowledge to fix this one. So I think that we are waiting on Jordus.
The financial issue is minor: It will cost more. We have enough for this year at normal rates in the L19 coffers. If there is a temporary deficit, I'll cover it out of my own pocket. But there will be a need for a few more donations when we are up and running again.
Feb. 9, 2017
Dave: Kirby posted the following on reddit (
"I'm Kirby from the forums, and I've been in touch with Jordus, the owner of the forum. I don't know the technical details, but I've been told that L19 "ran past SQL size limits" on the current hosting. He's been in touch with the providers, and the problem can be solved by upgrading to a hosting option offering a larger database size. Jordus expected some sort of notification when we were reaching the limit, but this didn't happen, and the site just went down.
Jordus is looking into upgrading the current hosting option, which is expected to take a couple of days.
Regarding the choice of hosting, as I understand the situation, the cost to get the higher option for the next year will be around 400 USD, and there is a little over 200 USD in remaining funds from donations. So to get it up and running, I presume that Jordus is paying for it himself.
Personally, I understand the frustration when a site is unreliable and crashes from time to time, and ideally, it we wouldn't have these problems.
But Jordus isn't hosting L19 as a business, and I'm thankful for the service he's provided for the last several years, which has allowed for many discussions on L19.
For those that remember, the site also became unreliable after some time, and the owner wasn't responsive in fixing the site. I suppose these things can happen when you have a non-profit site that's run only for the sake of the community. The owners have their own lives, and even if they care about the site and community, from time to time over the years, unexpected technical difficulties arise.
However, I think that Jordus is more than willing to fix these issues, even though they happen now and then due to surprises.
Please note that, while I have discussed the problem with Jordus and have some knowledge of what's currently happening to fix the problem, I have very little insight into the actual details of which hosting provider we use, what funds are there, etc.
What I do know is that Jordus is working to upgrade the current hosting to a more expensive option, since this may fix the problem. "
PeterHB: Same for me "General Error SQL ERROR mysql4? UPDATE command denied", as reported by others for a couple of days now.
RobertJasiek: confirmed.
Bill: Ditto.
Feb 8, 2017 Since yesterday afternoon (Japan time) I have been seeing this error message:
"General Error
SQL ERROR mysql4?
UPDATE command denied to user 'lif1005808362083'@'' for table 'phpbb_sessions_keys' [1142]
An sql error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact an administrator if this problem persists.
Please notify the board administrator or webmaster: " Dave
Dec 1, 2016 today, me too, exactly the same error message. RobertJasiek
Nov 30, 2016 I'm getting this error: "SQL ERROR mysql4? User lif1005808362083 already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections [1203]" Anyone else? -JoazBanbeck
May 13, 2013 It is bad today, and I'm doing what I can. -JoazBanbeck
Apr 8, 2013 L19 is unreachable for at least five hours now (from Japan anyway). Anyone else having the same problem? Dave
Dec 6, 2012 Getting 500 errors trying to view large threads
Aug 10, 2011 The server seems to be down (initially only a database error, a few hours earlier)
Jordus- The issue was the webhost Mysql server went down. Server is up and running just fine now.
June 12, 2010 I've been having problems accessing the site for the past week or so, it's very very slow, sometimes not responding at all. Anyone else have these problems ?
May 1, 2010
JPG: I'm currently unable to access the site at all, not even a 401 page error. Anyone else having this problem?
Edit: seems to be back up now. Nevermind.
April 23, 2010
isd: I am stuck in a neverending loop while trying to post. I click new topic, it asks me for my usr/password, i enter, it confirms it's right, i click on post new topic, it asks me for my usr/password ... aaagh
Herman: Tommie is complaining about the same issue on godiscussions.
tealeaf: Could it be a cookie issue? It seems unlikely, if you can log in in the first place, but if cookies are disabled in your browser, it might be that. As a first step, you could try clearing your cookies and logging in again just in case.
Jordus?: There is a issue with cookies sometimes after an update to the forum software (we just ran one). to fix, delete your browser cookies, then restart your browser. Let me know if this works for you or not. Ferl has confirmed that this does fix the issue.