
This drawing of a Bonobo ape is my avatar image almost everywhere; if you see it, it should be me
Hello there. My name is Thomas Rohde; friends call me Tom; on Go servers, my nick is trohde. I’m not yet sure how to use this page, whether as kind of a diary with adding below or just a profile which I’ll have to update so as to reflect current status; so for now I’ll add news below.
October 2011
This is Tom, *1957. I live in northern Germany and have recently founded a small Go training group where I am strongest player [not any more the strongest, as of December 2015, my regular “sparring partner” who took two stones a year ago has overtaken me], but sadly I lack any deeper knowledge for teaching others how to play. Nevertheless I have already found a LOT of inspiration here and am sure to find more.
My first encounter with Go was at age of ~7, but sadly we didn’t play much.
Igowin tells me that I currently oscillate between 12 and 4 kyu, but as I can see on the Igowin page, this is not reliable and so I probably am 8-15 kyu lower -> 27-12 kyu if I’m counting correctly. I guess it’s time I check out KGS or IGS Go servers or something like these, or visit the next big Go club which is in Hamburg, 60 km north of my place. (I had edited this paragraph after Hyperpapeterie had commented, and I assume that that I may have asked whether it is rude to give an estimate of one’s own rank.)
This is a wonderful site, thanks all!
You can also find me on Facebook at Im Deutschen DGoB-Forum and on my nick is “Bonobo”, there I use the same Bonobo avatar image as on KGS.
Greetings, Tom
p.s.: I’m always interested in meeting other Go enthusiasts in Northern Germany PLZ 29xxx
Hyperpapeterie: Welcome! It's not rude to give an estimate of your rank, but I think that Igowin may give high estimates if I remember correctly, so bear that in mind if you meet other players who got their ranks elsewhere. (Feel free to remove this comment whenever it suits you, since this is your page).
Bonobo: Hello and thanks for the welcome :-) Thanks also for the hint re: Igowin, I’ve corrected insofar as I now say “Igowin tells me …” and will prophylactically add one or two k in my mind.
Bonobo: 2012-02-22
Meanwhile I’ve found to KGS, my nick there is “trohde”, and currently KGS thinks I’m 12k. But I haven’t played a lot in the past two months. I’m still new here and spend hours and hours reading from here to there … getting lost sometimes. But I enjoy the time. Meanwhile sometimes I dream of Go, and when I try to sleep Go images get superimposed over anything else that I see in my mind …
Bonobo: 2014-05-02
<sigh> too little time to write anything here … meanwhile I mostly am on OGS … fluctuating between 15k and 13k.
Bonobo: 2016-02-21
Meanwhile ~11–10k on OGS, but playing correspondence games only, so I may perhaps be weaker.
Bonobo: 2016-05-09
I wonder, is there some chat or mailing list for active (editing) users? The more I edit here the more I feel a need to talk to other active editors. Please talk to me on G+, FB, L19, OGS, or In Real Life :-) and ich also spreche Deutsch ;-)
Bonobo: 2016-05-10
OK, I guess I should click Minor Edit more often ;-)
Bonobo: 2020-01-16
Meanwhile mostly oscillating between 9k and 8k on OGS, still correspondence exclusively; even scratched at 6k shortly once but that probably was due to some stronger players resigning too early or losing on time (and due to OGS’ volatile ranking, which I like).
Haven’t edited anything on SL in a long time due to a challenging Real Life.
Bonobo: 2022-05-23
Rarely here, with Real and Virtual life overwhelming me quite often. Getting old is not always fun, especially since it seems to come suddenly sometimes ;-) but I appreciate and am grateful for having made it this far already, which I wouldn’t have believed a few times earlier, if someone had told me I’d still be here today. But yeah, tom-orrow might be different, aware of that also.
~6k OGS meanwhile, having scratched 4k shortly, “‘two steps forward, one step backward’ make for a solid stance”, but, well, sometimes it is two steps backward again also <shrug> … I’m fine with that however, as expectations will also be less stressful this way. SLOW progress is more enjoyable to me these days than rushing forward and being fearful of the next shootist coming my way.
If you’d like to play a game—albeit correspondence only, and extremely slow or even without time restriction—hit me up at and please TELL ME WHERE YOU FOUND ME so that I know