Famous games involving ko
Keywords: Ko, Index page
- Go Seigen - Kitani Minoru 1939 (Game one of the Kamakura Jubango)
- Iwamoto Kaoru - Hashimoto Utaro 1945 (Game 1 of Honinbo title match)
- Two rule disputes involving Go Seigen: Go Seigen - Iwamoto Kaoru, 1948 and Go Seigen - Takagawa Kaku, 1959
- Rin Kaiho - Ishida Yoshio 1973 (Game 4 of Meijin title match)
- Cho Chikun - Kato Masao, 14th Judan 1975 (Triple Ko)
- Otake Hideo - Cho Chikun, 5th Meijin Final, 1980 (Illegal Capture)
- Kobayashi Koichi - Takemiya Masaki 1995 (Game 5 Meijin Title match)
- Chang Hao - Lee Changho, Southern Great Wall Cup, 2005 (Quadruple Ko)
- ChoiCheolhanVLuoXihe2005SamsungCup (LuoXihe sacrifices more than 100 points to avoid a TripleKo and wins)
Some of the longest Go games arose due to the games including several kos:
- Yamabe Toshiro - Hoshino Toshi, Oteai, 12/20/1950 (411 moves) SGF
- Fujisawa Kazunari - Kamimura Haruo, 53rd Honinbo preliminaries, 12/12/1996 (406 moves) SGF
- Yasui Sanchi - Ito Showa, 4/3/1839 (405 moves) SGF
- Komatsu Hideki vs. Nie Weiping, China-Japan SuperGo, 12/6/1993 (363 moves, but 59 of them were ko captures!) SGF SGF