Choi Cheolhan v. Luo Xihe, 2005 Samsung Cup


This game, from the semifinals of the 10th Samsung Cup in 2005, can be viewed for free [ext] on Waltheri and [ext] on Go4Go.

[ext] Here is the kifu for [ext] this commentary, which is also free to view.

It is also included in the book Weird and Wonderful - Volume 1 - Extraordinary Moves by Professional Go Players.

Luo Xihe 9p (White) has the option of creating a triple ko to end the game in no result, but, instead, he sacrifices 23 stones to defeat his opponent Choi Cheolhan 9p by 7.5.

Final position.  

Choi Cheolhan v. Luo Xihe, 2005 Samsung Cup last edited by amtiskaw on June 3, 2024 - 10:17
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