Elementary Moves / Moves in relation to one friendly stone

Sub-page of ElementaryMoves


[01] Stretch


A move in direct contact with a friendly stone. This is not a push.

A downward stretch is called sagari.

One space

[02] コスミ Kosumi


A move with two ways to directly get contact with a friendly stone.

The two stones are on different lines.

Typical use: connect, move out, attack, answer to keima

Proverb: Answer keima with kosumi

[03] 一間ト ビ  Ikken Tobi

Ikken Tobi  

The two stones are on the same horizontal or vertical line and have exactly one space between them.

Typical uses:

  1. enclosure, e.g. the small high enclosure
  2. getting out of a pincer
  3. getting into the centre
  4. extending when above the fourth line
  5. getting ahead
  6. blocking the opponent's natural line


  1. The one-point jump is never bad
  2. Don't try to cut the one-point jump

Both kosumi and ikken tobi are at a distance of one space. Both need one move only to make a solid connection. Because there are two ways to do that with kosumi and only one with ikken tobi, the kosumi is more solid.

Two spaces

[04] ケイマ  Keima


The two stones are on different lines and have two spaces between them.

Typical uses:

  1. attack
  2. enclosure, e.g. keima shimari
  3. answer to keima kakari
  4. connecting two groups
  5. getting into the center and blocking at the same time
  6. getting ahead


  1. Answer keima with kosumi
  2. Strike at the waist of the keima

[05] 二間 トビ Niken Tobi or Two space jump

Niken Tobi  

The two stones are on the same horizontal or vertical line and have exactly two spaces between them.

Typical uses:

  1. extension: Creating a base with a two-space extension
  2. a light move

Both keima and niken tobi are at a distance of two spaces. Both need at least two moves to make a solid connection. Because there are three ways to do that with keima and only one with niken tobi, the keima is more solid.

Three spaces

[06] 大ゲイマ Ogeima


[07] ハザマ トビ Hazama Tobi

Hazama Tobi  

  • Typical uses:

Both oogeima and hazama tobi are at a distance of three spaces. Both need at least three moves to make a solid connection. There are four ways to do that with oogeima and even six with hazama tobi. However four of those six go over a. This makes a, the hazama (hole), a weak point. Oogeima does not have such a weak point. It is more solid. .

Elementary Moves / Moves in relation to one friendly stone last edited by MAsterdam on May 26, 2004 - 10:00
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