Jiang Zhujiu

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Jiang Zhujiu (traditional: 江鑄久; simplified: 江铸久; Jiāng Zhùjiǔ a.k.a. "Jujo"; born 17 February 1962) is a Chinese 9-dan professional who currently plays in Korea. In Korean his name is Chang Chu-chu, also spelled Kang Jugu.

He rose to international notice during the Japan-China Super Go matches in the 1980's, when he defeated five strong Japanese players in a row.

Jiang won the first North American Masters Tournament in 1995, being eligible as he had by then been living in the United States for several years. He successfully defended the title every year after that (eight consecutive victories) until the tournament was discontinued in 2003.

Jiang is married to Rui Naiwei. His brother Jiang Mingjiu is also a professional go player living in the United States.

Jiang has been seen playing on the Internet Go Server from time to time. Jiang, under the nickname jujo, occasionally gives lectures for the Ing Goe Internet Class on KGS. The Jujo Jiang tournament is an annual tournament held in San Francisco.


Among the books he has written are


Produced Go Elementary Training and Dan Level Testing, a Windows program, with Yu Bin in the late 1990's.


Jiang Zhujiu last edited by hnishy on November 25, 2022 - 03:50
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