IGS, the Internet Go Server, is a real-time go server. IGS, the first Internet go server, was established in February 1992 and switched from SGF to UGF Format when acquired by PandaNet.
Connect your Go client (or telnet) to igs.joyjoy.net port 6969 or port 7777 (port 6969 may not work sometimes). The official client these days (2022) is likely GoPanda.
IGS used to offer amateur rank diplomas for a fee. See here. It was also the sponsor and main venue for the IGS World Rapid Championship.
Telnet and old client compatibility
When IGS went online in 1992, all that a user needed was a telnet client to use the service. Today it is still possible to play on IGS with just a telnet client. It is also possible to use old clients because its protocol is still the same. (Is it still the same? Maybe it was compatibly extended, meaning only new commands?)
- You can compare it with the
commands of the old NNGS Go server, which uses an IGS-compatible protocol.
Sponsored tournaments
More reading:
Tips & tricks
Simultaneous games
You can play simultaneous games on IGS. Your command is: toggle singlegame on in the terminal window so you don't accidentally start two games. (or just resign one of the match, games within 4 moves won't count to your rating).
Handicap games
Use the 'handicap' command just after the game starts (type 'help handicap' into the terminal window for more info).
Special commands
One interesting thing about IGS is that it can be played using a simple telnet window. This allows people worldwide who might have older computers and older clients to play on the same server. S- and Q- are leftovers that aren't really used anymore. S- was to eliminate shouts, but that command has been disabled. Q- will eliminate system messages about players logging in/out, games ending/starting. You don't need to worry about it if you're using a newer client such as glGo. Type 'help commands' into the terminal window to find more information.
Old game records
You can list and download your previous IGS games by using your IGS userid and password at the Net Social Plaza - PANDANET web page. ( Game files in UGI format.)
Reverse komi
Answer: help komi
Usage: komi <value>
'komi' is used to set the komi value for a game.
a) The default komi value for even games (games between players of the _SAME_ ranks/ratings) is 6.5 b) The default komi value for uneven games (games between players of _DIFFERENT_ ranks/ratings) and handicaps games is 0.5
If the players wish to change the komi value, they must change the komi _before_ the first move. One player enters the 'komi' value, then a message is sent to both players informing them of the 'komi' value requested. The second player must enter the same 'komi' value.
For example, one player enters: komi 7.5 If the second player agrees, then the second player enters: komi 7.5 IGS will then change the value of the 'komi' to 7.5
The value is allowed to be negative. Example: komi -4