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Featured Article for October 14–20

Nanseolheon Cup

The Nanseolheon Cup is a tournament for female Korean professionals.

It is named after Lady Heo Nanseolheon, the pen name of Heo Cho-hee, a famous poet, painter, writer, and court lady. Nanseolheon means “Orchid snow pavilion”.

Some of Nanseolheon’s poems were about baduk, so this tournament was founded to commemorate her. It is played in her hometown, Gangneung, Gangwon Province. Because she lived so long ago, the players all dress in the traditional Korean dress (hanbok).

The time limit is 20 minutes for each player and 20 seconds Fischer increment.

The fourth edition has 50 million won (37,000 USD) for the winner and 20 million won (15,000 USD) for the runner-up, the highest for a Korean women’s tournament.

Its last three editions have been won by prodigy Kim Eunji, who defeated Cho Seunga. It was the cause of two of her promotions.


Article of the Week Template last edited by bugcat on October 15, 2024 - 17:25
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