US-Canada Team Tournament

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Teams from the United States and Canada faced off online from October 26 to October 29, 2007. The tournament was held in the USA vs Canada Team Tournament KGS room.



Time limits were one hour main time plus ten periods of one minute byo-yomi for each player.


USA won over Canada 7 : 4

1. Huiren Yang 8d (Somerville) W vs Yongfei Ge 9d (gyfcat) B, W+0.5

2. Andy Liu 8d (bigbadwolf) B vs Jing Yang 8d (peiyan) W, W+R

3. Zhaonian Chen 8d (darkmage) W vs Zhiqi Yu (ego88) B, W+R

4. Eric Lui 8d (theone) B vs Jun Fan (toronto) W, B+R

5. Jie Liang 8d (gust) W vs Xiandong Zhang (zxd73815) B, B+R

6. Minshan Shou 8d (shoums) B vs Dewu Zhang (menglei) W, B+R

7. Thomas Hsiang 7d (veggie) W vs Sarah Yu (lemon2000) B, W+R

8. I-han Lui 7d (nama) B vs Hank Xie (hankxie) W, W+R

9. Xiliang Liu 7d (acmimc) W vs William Shi (stone33) B, W+5.5

10. Young Kwon 7d (sunny1) B vs Jeffrey Fung (jeffgo86) W, W+10.5

11. Changlong Wu 6d (goduke2003) W vs Liang Yu (rodeo) B, W+R

The US team is comprised of Huiren Yang 8d, Andy Liu 8d, Zhaonian Chen 8d, Eric Lui 8d, Jie Liang 8d, Minshan Shou 8d, Thomas Hsiang 7d, I-han Lui 7d, Xiliang Liu 7d, Young Kwon 7d and Changlong Wu 6d.

On the Canadian team: Yongfei Ge 9d, Jing Yang 8d, Zhiqi Yu, Jun Fan, Xiandong Zhang, Dewu Zhang, Sarah Yu, Hank Xie, William Shi, Jeffrey Fung and Liang Yu.

US-Canada Team Tournament last edited by Dieter on July 25, 2008 - 13:23
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