3-5 point Josekis
Keywords: Joseki, Index page
This gives an overview of 3-5 point Josekis that have a page (or several pages) on Sensei's Library.
For each joseki a standard sequence is given (this is one of the more common ones, but need not be the absolutely most common one), and an overview of pages dealing with that joseki and its variations.
- a : low most common
- b : sansan invasion
- c : high stay out of trouble
- d : distant low ancient
- e : very high very high and very uncommon
3-5 point low approach
35 Point Low Approach Three Space High Pincer is also rare
The 35 Point Low Approach Three Space Low Pincer is rare.
3-5 point invasion
See 3-5 point high approach and its common responses of at aor b or and the rarer responses of c, d or e.
Other approach moves