35 Point Low Approach Two Space High Pincer
This pincer was a favourite of Sakata Eio when he was in his prime, in the 1960s. There aren't many variations that are commonly played.
This is the normal variation. Now Black can play at a, or sometimes b; tenuki at this point is also often seen.
White 3 at 5 is an old idea of Kitani.
White can also attach on top like this, after which the move up to are a normal continuation.
For followups from here, see 3-5 point low approach, pincer, attach on approach, develop on both sides
This seemingly crude variation has also been played in at least 25 professional games. Here the original pincer is sacrificed in favour of thickness towards the centre and right side.
Incidentally, the order of
is important and interesting.
Although played in at least 1 pro game, here can be problematic if Black counters with
. In the opening, there would be no playable ko here, so
must fill. Next
is forced and after
, White faces trouble in the corner or the centre. This does not look very attractive for White, though deeper analysis of this position is required.