3554 enclosure

    Keywords: Opening
3554 enclosure  

This enclosure leaves the corner quite open.

  • Wouldn't the 3-3 invasion be successful here?

xela: Depends on your definition of "successful". It would live, but black would seal it in and make a lot of influence.

apt1002: 4-2 is a good answer to 3-3.

White intervenes  

White may be able to play at W1 (as slide or submarine). Then this sequence is standard, B4 being correct shape (at a leaves bad aji).

Closing the corner  

There are various ways to enclose the corner more securely: black+circle was an idea of Kubouchi Shuchi. Black a is common but Black b is probably most popular from the point of view of corner safety.

This isn't often seen in pro games. White a, Black b is a continuation seen in a couple of examples.

erikpan: Why not white b, or one to the left of b? This would seem better from the point of view of miai moves. xela: Depending on the whole-board position, those moves might be perfectly OK too. Most of the time though, I think white would want to prevent black making a second shimari. (See Allowing two enclosures.)

3554 enclosure last edited by on October 8, 2012 - 17:01
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