You might consider:
Making Good Shape -- Good problem collection Lessons in the Fundamentals -- No problems, but a very good book.
"Making good shape" is indeed an excellent book--and the introductory text is just as valuable as the problem collection--but it's rather difficult. If you do buy it now, then I recommend that you scan it quickly, looking at all the shapes but not worrying if you don't understand the details; and then remember to revise it in more depth a year later. Then again a year after that. And so on... I'm 7k on KGS and 1d in Australia, and I still find this stuff difficult (but useful).
I'd second Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go as a good buy. You'll get lot of mileage from it, and it gives enough of an overview so that you can figure out what other aspects of the game you need to work on.
I'm not sure quite sure which books you already have, but I'd recommend Attack and Defense and to a lesser extent, Get Strong at Attacking.
The former is a good theoretical overview of the middlegame, and the latter is a problem book of a number of full-board positions which show good continuations. I think I used the first book a lot more, but only bought the second when I started thinking to myself, "I know I should be able to attack that group and get something out of it, but how?"
I think the middlegame is the most important part of the game, when you are learning. Learning how to manage weak groups (or not make them in the first place) as well as learning how to attack your opponent's weak groups will get you a lot further in the game.
You can purchase chinese problem books from ZhenZhu (known on eBay as goplayer2006). I have bought a number of them. I find having a large number of problems to be very useful. They are chinese books. No english language text appears in the books, but that is not a problem. ZhenZhu provides a two page translation guide, but only 6 hanzi have to be memorized to do the problems. Books available from ZhenZhu include (in recommended order):
* Weiqi Chuji Jieti Xunlian 围棋初级解题训练. 3 volumes * Weiqi Zhongji Jieti Xunlian 围棋中级解题训练 3 volumes * Weiqi Gaoji Jieti Xunlian 围棋高级解题训练 3 volumes * LiChangHo Jingjiang Weiqi Sihuo 李昌镐精讲围棋死活 6 volumes * LiChangHo Jingjiang Weiqi Shoujin 李昌镐精讲围棋手筋 6 volumes * Weiqi Introductory Problem Collection 围棋育苗工程通迅 围棋入门习题集 * Weiqi Rapid Drill 800 Problems 围棋快速练习 800 题 * Cho Hun-hyeon Weiqi Sucheng 曹薰铉围棋速成 3 volumes * Heading for Shodan -- Fundamental Problem Collection 迈向初段 基本问题集 3 volumes * Fujisawa Shuko Next Move Problems 围棋下一手 * Shoujin de Miaoyong 手筋的妙用 (死活篇) * QiJingZhongMiao 棋经众妙 (Japanese: 碁経衆妙 Gokyo Shumyo) * Weiqi Technique Encyclopedia (Guanzi Pu) 围棋技巧大全 (官子谱); March 1998 edition * FaYang Lun 《围棋发阳论》新解,程晓流解说
This link will show you all the items that ZhenZhu is selling as of 20 February 2006.