Zhen Zhu
Zhen Zhu (震主, Hanyu Pinyin: Zhèn Zhǔ) is a strong Chinese 5 dan (in 2001 he beat Shao Zhenzhong 9p with handicap 3 in a city match). He's a teacher of English so he can offer go lessons in English well. He started to teach go online two years ago. He has many go pupils so far, who are from USA, Canada, Australia, Holland, France, Russia, China, etc. Most of his pupils are 20k to 2d, he's now using hotdog (9d) on KGS for teaching. His prices are very reasonable.
He regularly sells Chinese Go Books on eBay as
The books that he sells include the following among others:
- Lee Chang Ho's Selected Tesuji Go Problems
- Lee Chang Ho's Selected Life and Death Go Problems
- Go Beginner Problem Solving Training
- Go Intermediate Problem Solving Training
- Go Advanced Problem Solving Training
- Weiqi Rapid Drill 800 Problems
- Weiqi Small Book Collection (six volumes of the twelve)
- World Weiqi Masterpieces of Life and Death
User recommendations:
kritz Zhen Zhu is is a very good teacher with very resonable rates. His English is excellent, indeed he works as a teacher of English in China.