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path [#2007]

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Dieter: path (2009-10-23 19:45) [#6480]

Dieter: First of all, very well written, good choice of material, rich in instructive diagrams, nothing but praise for the article.

That introduction is of course a "captatio benevolentiae" for a few comments #:-7

  1. Your replies on suggestions by the SL community indicate a fairly high feeling of ownership. There is no problem at all with that, but if you really want to own the page and not the community, then SL has as a custom for the page to be a subpage of a homepage. You may want to compare with what I have done at DieterVerhofstadt/IdeasOnGoTheory, which is still very much under my custody, as opposed to another article of mine, Basic instinct which has effectively become property of the SL community.
  2. Your main objective of the page remaining concise may have succeeded only from your perspective: as an author, one is so familiar with what one wants to write that one loses the perspective of a fresh reader. For my fresh reading - and as a 2d quite familiar with the ideas as well - the article is very long. Therefore, I suggest you split it up into a path, just like I have done with the go theory article.
  3. Clearly, the article duplicates a lot of existing material. Perhaps it is worth considering at the end of each chapter to refer to the main page on SL about the particular topic of the chapter.

My personal preference for such endeavours is to rewrite and improve the existing material and turn them into an organized article using the path utility. Having been a prolific author myself, I do understand the preference displayed in this article though. And I think at least Bill and probably many more deshi will favour it over the encyclopaedic approach.

Cheers and thanks again for a good read!

Unkx80: Re: path (2009-10-23 20:10) [#6481]

Or at least, stick your name somewhere in the page title, like Tom's technical introduction to CGT. Otherwise, some editors will operate on the [ext] be bold principle since this is a wiki afterall. I actually bothered to ask you regarding the page renaming; Dieter would most likely rename without asking in a WME spree if he didn't notice your responses.

And yes, I agree that SL could do with more tutorials and overview articles that link the different concepts together.

reply Re: path (2009-10-25 20:55) [#6488]

Hm I'll consider putting my name in the title then, thanks for the advice. About the 'material', I actually made everything up from scratch, ie did not copy/paste existing sl material. If you were just talking about the actual topics and their implications, well, I linked some things (like one-point-jump, shimari, etc) in the progress, but on purpose left out other topics that I considered as an information overload or maybe too advanced.

Um, I just noticed the Path page could use some explanations about the wiki-related path and how it works ;)

Anyway, I'd prefer to go with the CBlue's Elementary Course title I think. Where do I actually edit the title? Or can only a librarian edit that?

PeterHB: Re: renaming title (2009-10-25 21:06) [#6489]

Yes, only a librarian can rename. The normal way is to add it to PageNameChangeRequests.

Phelan: Re: path (2009-10-25 21:51) [#6490]

The Path page really did not make it clear what a SL path is. I added a link there to HowPathsWork, which explains what a path is and how it works. Thanks!

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