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As a Senseis user, I'm only mildly active these days. I check in, but am not doing too much.

Hyperpape on L19, or Justin Blank when I'm not on the internet.

I used to live in Chapel Hill and play in the UNC-Chapel Hill Go Club and Triangle Go Club, then in Pittsburgh, playing at the Pittsburgh Go Association. Now I live in Rocky Mount, NC and occasionally go to a tournament in the Triangle.

I first played a handful of games online early in this century, I think I found the game during a brief period when I tried to study chess (I was terrible). When I got to college in 2002, I reunited with a childhood friend who played, so we played irregularly (0-3 times a month). Our games inevitably started with a hoshi stone and an immediate cross-cut fight, and neither of us knew to Crosscut then extend. Atari atari! After a few months I finally won a game, as I had heard of how to 'tenuki.'

For some reason, I became quite interested in playing at the beginning of July 2005, and played regularly for several months. In September, I played in a tournament and made 20k. In October 2007, I started this page and was 3 kyu on KGS and 5 kyu Aga. Since then it seems that I've stagnated--I hit 2kyu on KGS for awhile, but have bounced around between 3 & 4 kyu.

Mostly I update player and event pages, both for professionals and strong western amateurs. I used to update the Go News page, until someone started reliably beating me to the punch.

I know I'm the millionth person in the world to do this, but I wrote my own [ext] guide to learning Go and posted it on my blog. It's not actually a strategy guide, or the rules, just links to resources that beginners might find useful. Feel free to give me advice on improving it, since I'm no expert. And yes, I'm aware that the current wordpress theme makes the page look like garbage. I'm even more unhappy about it than you are.

Recently, I've become a fan of other abstract games: Arimaa, Havannah, Slither. I'm still deciding what I think about Christian Freeling's Sygo. Luis's Ayu looks good as well.

Putting the nihon kiin page here because I never remember the URL [ext] http://www.nihonkiin.or.jp/index-e.htm

Adding professional tournaments, one source: [ext] http://www.msoworld.com/mindzine/news/orient/go/japan/chikurin.html.

Also: [ext] http://senseis.xmp.net/?MonkeyJumpProblem3%2FAttempts

[ext] http://www.nihonkiin.or.jp/english/topics/05/topics2005_11.htm (interesting and a progress marker)

Discussions that will soon be outdated: Finding ko threats

4463Enclosure24Approach --integrate Uberdude's stuff from L19.

Playing tips to remember:

Don't let the double knight's move get away. Always read the 3-3 invasion, beware of playing too long an extension.

Would like to edit MoonshineLife a little more sometime soon.

RobertJasiek: This is a reply to your [ext] L19 message, to which currently I cannot reply at L19 because of being temporarily or permanently banned. I do not know yet which or why, but a possible indication is "not staying on topic" in presumably this very L19 thread. Concerning your remarks in the message, my freely available work concentrates on research on rules or ko definition theory while my books' go theory is for players and practical application in their games. Therefore you cannot easily infer books' contents or the go theory approach presented there from the freely available contents. Of course, you would be right to expect accuracy, general applicability and a systematic approach, where useful. Probably First Fundamentals would surprise you the most. Thank you very much for your intention to comment on my approach! A question remains: How do you know my approach as long as you do not read the books?

Hyperpapeterie last edited by on May 25, 2013 - 02:13
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