Tertiary Ko Threat

  Difficulty: Advanced   Keywords: Ko, Theory

A tertiary ko threat, in my theory of ko fights, is a defensive ko threat that prevents or delays a drop in the ambient temperature and so may allow the ko loser to get more in exchange for losing the ko than she would without the tertiary threat. An ambiguous play where the threat is the same size as the play may be used as a tertiary ko threat.

See ko threat functions.

-- Bill Spight

NickGeorge: I love how nothing Bill says makes sense until a few weeks later, when I see it in one of my games. It's happened about 5 times to me thus far.

Hyperpape: Are these the same as Virtual Ko Threats? (This is a placeholder--I'm still digesting that discussion). See also Komonster.

tapir: I feel guilty, I quizzed Bill about the same difference last week partly here, partly per private mail. No, it isn't, this is a move with a follow up of the same size, as opposed to the virtual threat where there are two different moves of the same size.

Tertiary Ko Threat last edited by Dieter on January 9, 2013 - 18:45
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