Tower peep

  Difficulty: Beginner   Keywords: Shape, Tactics
Tower peep  

The tower peep or tower poking move is so called because the shape resembles a tower if seen from bottom right to top left. W1 is a peep at both Black's connections. It can also be called a double peep.

Japanese terminology

In Tesuji and Anti-Suji of Go (p. 117) it is called Yagura nozoki. Turret is a possible translation for yagura.

A yagura is literally an arrow storehouse, and most commonly refers to sumiyagura, the turrets at the corners of Japanese castle. So probably the real idea here is peeping FROM the turret from the inside through the arrow slit. In go yagura usually refers to the shape of four stones in a square formed by ikken tobis. It's famous as a shogi castle, too, of course.

From this perspective it makes sense to translate the term as the turret peep, but tower peep has become the common term in English.

On a completely unrelated note, the Japanese town of Kamakura is surrounded by mountains made of a soft stone into which prehistoric inhabitants carved hundreds of caves where they lived; later, they were used widely as graves. These caves are also called yagura, although that usage apparently is strictly limited to Kamakura.

Technical aspects

Tower peep  

Without support or in neutral area or area influenced by the opponent, the tower peep is a crude move, strenghtening the position at which one peeps. See crosscut after tower peep for a tactical discussion.

Tower peep  

In the previous diagram, Black can take countermeasures against the peep. These countermeasures completely fail however, when White has white+circle in place. Therefore, ...

Tower peep  

W2 is considered correct shape. Playing at a instead increases the aji and reduces the severity of the tower peep.

Tower peep threat  

W1 is a common threat to peep at a which may need to be answered.

Tower peep threat answer  

B2 is the most common way to defend.

Yi Ch'ang-ho (W) vs. Yu Ch'ang-hyeok 28th Wangwi Final, 1994  

This pattern, which curiously enough produces two empty triangles, appears in a few pro games.

"Tower on da beach" peep  

The tower peep can sometimes be defended against with this diagonal move.

Tower peep last edited by on February 19, 2014 - 19:06
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