Think Like a Pro Pae
Keywords: Books & Publications
Think Like a Pro Pae is the second book of the Think Like a Pro series by Youngsun Yoon, translated into English by Les Waller. 187 pages. ISBN: 8-900794-2-X. Pae is the Korean term for ko.
Available from Yutopian and Slate and Shell.
In the first chapter, Types of Pae, Youngsun Yoon identifies these types:
- direct pae -- the pae can be resolved in one move by both players.
- extended pae -- the pae is direct for one player only.
- double pae -- there are two pae involving a single group, each pae serving the same purpose. Double pae does not guarantee life. There are double pae positions that are dead, as well as ones that are alive.
- two-step pae -- the pae is direct for one player (A), but the other player (B) must capture once to change the pae to a direct pae for that player (B) and a two-step pae for the other player (A).
- triple pae -- three pae involving two groups involved in a capturing race with each other.
- 10,000 year pae -- either player can create a pae, but suffers from a disadvantage as the other player makes the first capture.
- half-point pae -- only one point of territory for either player is at stake in the pae.
- circular pae -- two groups, neither alive, repeated capture stones from each other's groups leading to a repeating position.
- flower viewing pae -- losing the pae is large for one player only.
- almighty pae -- a pae in which no pae threat is big enough to require a response.
- Ian Davis'
review at British Go Association
- LoP: The fact that the 'correct solution' diagram of the first problem contains a misprint is an indication of the poor publishing quality of this series. I was also disappointed by the bad translation of Think like a Pro Haengma from the same series. (I've only taken a look at the sample pages. Could somebody who actually owns the book check if the diagram is correct in the book please?) (for answers to this request see the forum of this page)
- Tapir: The strength of this book is in the variety of well-chosen ko problems it offers. I personally was more comfortable with reading van Zeijst's book, as he thinks more like an amateur and the advice given there addresses typical amateur problems better. However, with the literature on ko being as limited as it is, this book is a welcome addition.
- TheBigH: I do not like this book. While it's obvious that Youngsun Yoon knows her stuff and has chosen the material carefully, it gets very tricky very quickly. The other problem is that the translation is terrible. I'm talking "Google translate" bad.
Table of Contents
- Types of Pae
- Pae and Life & Death
- Pae and Jeongseok
- Pae and Endgame
- Pae and Actual Games
Sample Material
to be added