Think like a Pro - Pae / Errata

Sub-page of ThinkLikeAProPae

These errata refer to the first edition, 2006.

p16, 1st paragraph
Wrong: We call double pae a sitution where two pae serve the same purpose; if the ...
Right: We call double pae a situation where two pae serve the same purpose; if the ...
p66, Problem 4
Wrong: Four black stones hae been caught by the attachement of white white+triangle.
Right: Four black stones have been caught by the attachment of white white+triangle.
p116, Dia. 1
Wrong: In respense to black B, white C resists with pae.
Right: In response to black B, white C resists with pae.
p117, Dia. 3, comment and annotation, tire -> tyre.
Wrong: When black plays black+triangle and white is looking for a variation with 1 then black 8 makes a punctured tire making a satisfactory result.
Right: When black plays black+triangle and white is looking for a variation with 1 then black 8 makes a punctured tyre making a satisfactory result.
p118, Dia. 5
Wrong: Black 1's connection in response to the bend white+triangle is a concise.
Right: Black 1's connection in response to the bend white+triangle is concise.
p127, Dia. 4
Wrong: At first the bend black+triangle was played, then black 1 is a move that leaves pae possible.
Right: If previously the bend black+triangle was played, then black 1 is a move that leaves pae possible.
Wrong: Let's look at using the corner's pecularity for the best endgame move.
Right: Let's look at using the corner's peculiarity for the best endgame move.

Think like a Pro - Pae / Errata last edited by PeterHB on July 30, 2008 - 00:02
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