SL Conventions
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A conscientious writer spends time to reduce the readers' efforts instead of avoiding writer's work. Feel free to use these guidelines for writing and editing pages at Sensei's Library, but we value your good ideas and knowledge more than any writing guidelines:
Text Seen by Readers
- Italicize letter moves when referring to them by using doubled single quotes ('') on both sides of the letter.
- Capitalize White and Black when used as nouns, but use lower case for adjectives (examples: "White wins", "White's stones", and "white stones").
- Use title capitalization for page titles. Capitalize all the words except small connective words such as "and" and "to".
- Capitalization of links depends on context. Separate words in Wiki Names rather than JoinCapitalizedWords.
- Use title capitalization for section headings.
- Ordinarily capitalize only the first word of diagram titles. No trailing period is need, but question marks may be used when appropriate.
- Note that we have no consensus on capitalization of the word Go: see / Go Noun Discussion
Other: colour gender, dates, clarity, board dimensions, ...
- If players are unknown, you may refer to White as she and to Black as he. (See dissent and discussion on Player Gender!)
- If you see text that you think might be local slang or incomprehensible phrasing, attach the link [WDYM] which is short for What do you mean. This will signal other SL deshis to make it more understandable.
- Use the
international standard date format YYYY-MM-DD, since the American style MM/DD/YY is different from the DD/MM/YY used just about everywhere else (Europe, Canada, Mexico).
- Use width×height if you describe the board size of a diagram (as in x-coordinate before y-coordinate). A general reference may choose small×large.
Text Seen by Writers and Editors (Deshis)
- Use a blank line to separate paragraphs from horizontal rules (four dashes "----").
- Use a blank line to separate paragraphs clear-all line breaks (four percent signs "%%%%").
- Use a blank line to separate paragraphs from diagrams.
- Use only four dashes for horizontal rules even though more will work.
- Using and Contributing to Sensei's Library
- Text Formatting Rules
- How Paths Work
- How Diagrams Work
- How Aliases Work
- Wiki Name
- SL Copyright
- User Name
- General Discussion Pages
- Guinea Pigs Feedback (for technical problems)
"Brevity is the mint of style".