SL Conventions / Go Noun Discussion

Sub-page of SLConventions

This is part of the SL Conventions / Discussion.

SAS: I think it's good to have a set of conventions. However, I've removed this one:

  • Capitalize the noun "Go" meaning the game, to make it easy for the eye to distinguish from the common verb "go".

because I don't think we have any consensus on this. It's not a proper noun, so it should not be capitalized. Personally, I find the incorrect capitalization jarring.

Also, I think the "Text Seen by Writers and Editors (Deshis)" section should be removed.

2003.05.13 Hu: Ordinarily I would agree about the capitalization of the non-proper noun go, but in SL, Go is central to what we do here. Even so, it would not be useful to capitalize go except that there is confusion with the common verb to go. Thus I hope a consensus will develop to capitalize Go.

2018.09.12 Patrick Traill: It is not incorrect but unconventional: through the ages there have been many conventions for capitalisation and this is just one instance. That said, I suspect that the number of cases of potential confusion is very small (fun challenge: devise some good ones, cf. In Moskau habe ich liebe genossen). I see that the Ishi Press (at least in Joseki) does not capitalise, and I find it hard to care all that much.

2019-01-11 Robert Pauli: Chapter 7 of my ONAG copy starts with, quote,

The games we shall consider are in spirit
closer to Chess than to Football.

Which rule does John follow here? :-)

SL Conventions / Go Noun Discussion last edited by RobertPauli on January 12, 2019 - 12:13
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