Rank Worldwide Comparison / Data Collection

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This page intends to collect enough data to improve the table given in Rank - worldwide comparison.

PLEASE contribute your data in the appropriate place. Thank you!.

Please try to insert your data so that the table is in approximate order of strength, and do what you think best if that is not clear!
N.B. To make the table easy to read while editing, you can widen the editing area by dragging the triangle at bottom right.

PJT 2020-09-20 Obviously the order is not always well-defined, so I suggest we order kyu players by the rank available for most players; at a glance it seems KGS is most used, followed by EGF and then either IGS or (for dan players) AGA. However, EGF and AGA are probably more meaningful for dan players than KGS, and I have sorted them by EGF/GoR where available, interpolating other AGA players about 1½ ranks lower and the rest by KGS as seemed to fit.

AGA EGF GoR China Japan Korea IGS DGS KGS Wbaduk Tygem OGS FOX Player Date
9d 7d 9d 9d 9d 9d anonymous_a1 20181206
8d 6d Robert Mateescu 20090303
8d 6d Sorin Gherman 20090303
6d 4d Tibor Pocsai 20120514
7d 5d Jean Michel 20090303
5d 8d 5d Robert Jasiek 20120514
6d 4d 5d 4d 5d 6d Nick Jhirad 20090508
5d 8d fmylifeuck 20170222
4d 5d 5d 7d 7d adrianmonk 20151201
5d 4d 2409 Willem Mallon 20090303
6d 4d anonymous_c1 20090629
6d 3d 2350 5d Wang zi Guo 20090303
5d 4d 6d sol.ch 20081114
6d 4d 4d 7d Ben Mantle 20100209
3d 2341 5d 4d senyuki 20130620
3d 2293 3d Fan Liu 20090908
3d 2251 4d 3d 5d anonymus_ff 20160906
3d 3d 3d 6d 5d anonymous_d1 20130829
3d 2d 2d Gamer 20110101
4d 3d 6d anonymous_k3 20090629
4d 3d 6d SColbert 20090122
4d 2d 3d cloud 20090628
2d 6d Anmuyu 20130105
2d 2203 4d 4d 6d 5d kamyszyn 20090505
2d 2200 2d ThorAvaTahr 20090908
2d 2157 1k 2d 4d Sverre Haga 20130818
2d 2140 2d 4d Uberdude 20090517
2d 1d 1d 3d anonymous_r1 20100225
3d 2d 2d Dima Arinkin 20090507
3d 2k 1d yoyoma 20090119
2d 3d 5d 2d 6d Zach Gormley 20201218
1d 2140 3d 4d mafutrct 20120529
1d 2100 2d 2d 1k mafutrct 20120113
1d 2100 1d 2d Tomas Lechovsky 20090515
1d 2078 2d 3d 5d 5d Hayri Kilic 20170823
1d 2030 2d mafutrct 20090819
1d 2d 5d anonymous_m5 20090629
1d 1d 3d anonymus_r 20160215
1k 1994 2d 3d 3d x0000 20120531
2k 1950 1d Simon Zeckarias 20090514
2k 1934 3d 2d krv 20120322
2k 1908 1k 1d 3d 3d 3d 1k AnotherAnonymous 20250109
1d 4d Pippen123 20140102
1d 3k Illluck 20091212
1d 2k wurfmaul 20140816
1k 1d 4d Abersia 20100209
3k 1816 2k 1d 1d Frederic Ancher 20090319
AGA EGF GoR China Japan Korea IGS DGS KGS Wbaduk Tygem OGS FOX Player Date
2k 1k anonymous_t3 20090629
3k 1801 5k 1d 1k 1k Sergey Tegai 20120908
4k 1700 3k 1k FG 20090617
2d 1k 3k anonymous 20190129
4k 4k 1k 1k 5k 3k 4k achimleu 20160516
3k 2k 1d 3k sinprejic 20220623
1k 1950 2k ChrisVolk? 20140501
2k 12k anonymous_m2 20090629
3k 2k anonymous_m6 20090629
9k 2k 4k anonymous_c3 20090629
3d 2k 1d 4k 1d kyulearner 20231125
2k A. Salpietro 20090303
2k 3k EricBackus 20210810
8k 8k 3k anonymous_m4 20090629
3k 6k 6k 5k Hyoga 20170219
5k 3k 1k 5k sobriety 20170801
10k 3k 10k anonymous_n2 20090629
4k 4k 1k 5k 1d 4k 1k Gerardo Useche 20210904
7k 3k 12k anonymous_g2 20090629
7k 3k anonymous_m3 20090629
7k 3k anonymous_o1 20090629
3k 9k Fuego 100k 20120326
4k 2k 6k EricBackus 20110430
4k 6k anonymous_m1 20090629
6k 7k 4k 6k PeterHB 20090303
4k 13k petri 20130429
9k 10k 4k cratus 20090304
10k 4k Laszlo Boviz 20110321
6k 4k BigDango 20130920
9k 4k anonymous_c2 20090629
7k 4k 4k 6k Sanguine 20151127
4k 3k santa 20180403
10k 10k 4k 8k Eridor 20130517
5k 7k 1d bavalance 20201006
7k 5k yanor 20090421
5k 5k Fwiffo 20090804
3k 5k anonymous_g1 20090629
8k 5k 6k 7k lodestone 20150418
8k 5k jedwardh 20090422
8k 5k Theanine 20111201
AGA EGF GoR China Japan Korea IGS DGS KGS Wbaduk Tygem OGS FOX Player Date
6k 6k mundungus 20091008
15k 6k 17k GnuGo 3.7.10 20120326
11k 6k anonymous_r1 20090629
9k 10k 12k 6k 14k 9k ferl 20100208
14k 7k anonymous_j2 20090629
15k 7k anonymous_n4 20090629
7k 10k raskable 20130821
5k 7k Impulse 20090126
10k 7k vitamancy 20140625
12k 852 12k 10k 7k 16k 9k karaklis 20090924
2k 8k anonymous_n1 20090629
10k 7k anonymous_p1 20090629
15k 7k 12k anonymous 20170123
12k 8k anonymous_s2 20090629
8k 8k Ben Williams 20120117
14k 12k 8k 16k anonymous_k1 20090629
18k 9k anonymous_s1 20090629
6k 9k anonymous_t2 20090629
8k 9k 13k Phelan 20100501
13k 9k anonymous_r2 20090629
15k 10k anonymous_n3 20090629
13k 10k 15k anonymous_t1 20090629
14k 10k anonymus_s3 20120120
20k 10k Kahlie 20110115
13k 10k 15k pmurk 20131100
16k 11k anonymous_p2 20090629
11k 11k Degan 20090512
15k 611 15k 11k 18k anonymous_d2 20090304
12k 15k anonymous_k2 20090629
16k 12k anonymous_j1 20090629
18k 12k anonymous_w1 20090629
14k 16k 13k NdbGo 20110702
16k 13k anonymus_s3 20111101
16k 13k anonymous_f1 20090629
14k 23k anonymous_z1 20090629
20k 15k 24k saxmaam 20140627
20k 16k 16k 18k Traveller 20101202

Path: <= Rank =>
Rank Worldwide Comparison / Data Collection last edited by 2001:0861:5e45:0450 on January 9, 2025 - 22:03
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