Pushing Battles in Joseki 8 Corner Aji Discussion

    Keywords: Joseki, Question

Table of contents Table of diagrams
Trying to refute the hane
Aji with the other extension
Benefit on the right, simply points
Benefit on the right, sente move
Benefit on the left, super-sente skirt close
Lost move, bad shape
Late hane, now cut is useless for White
What the early hane prevented, jump ahead
What the early hane prevented, keima ahead
Skirt close

Trying to refute the hane  

This position arose for consideration on pushing battles in joseki 8. Here black+circle may well have been an overplay; but how does White show that, from this position? White at a is naturally an important resource.

Those with the Korean version of the Igo Daijiten handy will be able to turn quickly to variations 6770 and 6771 of volume 2.

Charles Matthews

Aji and usage

Aji with the other extension  

togo: Not only a is interesting. There is useful aji for the other direction. Note, that W1, W3, W5, W7 are all forcing plays.

Benefit on the right, simply points  

The "aji with the other extension" is nice when White crawls and survives. ...

Benefit on the right, sente move  

togo: ... It also can give sente, when not. W9 in this example has some endgame sente.

Benefit on the left, super-sente skirt close  

togo: There is also benefit for the regular closing-the-skirt play: W3 and W7 make it very much more sente. If Black had crawled one move more instead of black+circle, this would only be about the corner, not the whole group.

Note, that not all moves before W9 have actually to be played; but without W1 Black could answer the skirt close on the left with a skirt close on the right (The corner would be still unresolved, but the Black group then lives.).

Lost move, bad shape

Lost move, bad shape  

togo: Anyway, already the necessity of black+square is bad, it is a lost move.

Also the resulting black stones are in bad shape, exploited by White in this example (B4 in the given example is better than B4 at a. If B4 at a, then W5 at B4 at W7 at b.).

Note, that with playing the aji sequence first White at c or d later are sente moves.

Compare this with ...

Late hane, now cut is useless for White  

togo: ... this similar situation with different black+circle. Of course B6 can also be at B8 or W5 at W7 or W3 at W7. What is important, is that Black here has one move more and better shape (In addition to White not having that big aji).

Extension instead of hane

What the early hane prevented, jump ahead  

togo: Also compare with this situation. Again black+circle does not hane. The jump-ahead W1 can be thought of being prevented by the early hane.

B2 here is on the same position as the original black+circle. As with the original situation Black has played another stone to prevent capturing of important stones.

B4 has somewhat the same role as the original black+circle, but W1 is already in place. Nonetheless this situation seems better for Black.

What the early hane prevented, keima ahead  

togo: Another continuation W1 when black+circle is not the early hane.

White's keima can be cut. This sequence again follows roughly the idea of the original early hane. And again Black has played another stone to prevent capturing of important stones.

Now B8 has a similar role as the original black+circle, but W5 is already in place. Nonetheless this situation seems better for Black.

Skirt close  

togo: The skirt close is not that sente without the extra aji: Only the corner now, not the whole group.

Pushing Battles in Joseki 8 Corner Aji Discussion last edited by togo on December 16, 2012 - 20:49
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