My name is Jean-Pierre Vesinet, I live in Paris (France), where I am working (as a hobby) on a computer program for solving tsumego problems.
My solver is not yet ready for prime time, but you can see my applet to access Thomas Wolf's excellent solver GoTools Online.
Read this short introduction to GoTools Online to get started.
E-mail me at jvt@volcanomail.com.
Some books I have read or am still reading:
- Xuan Xuan Qi Jing
- Guan Zi Pu
- Qi Jing Zhong Miao
- Si Huo Miao Ji
- Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go - Toshiro Kageyama
- 501 opening problems - Richard Bozulich
- Attack and Defense - James Davies
- Life & Death - James Davies
- 38 Basic Joseki - James Davies
- Graded Go Problems for Beginners Vol. 3-4 - Kano Yoshinori
- Ingenious Life and Death Puzzles Vol. 1-2 - Yang Yilun
- Rescue and Capture - Yang Yilun
- Le jeu à 9 pierres de handicap - Lim Yoo Yong & Hervé Dicky
- La joueuse de go - Shan Sa
- Le maître ou le tournoi de go - Yasunari Kawabata
- Standard tsumego 100 problems - Ishida Yoshio