Joseki-related life-and-death example 5
White has invaded at the 3-3 point with and Black has blocked with
. How should White play next?
Here's the correct move:
is bad shape, as ...
Black answers with 4 and, depending on White's response, White dies or, at best, gets a ko. Here are two cases where White dies, followed by the ko case:
... is too good shape for Black (hane at the head of two) tderz
Locally White can't make two eyes but the aji of the clamp at a remains.
However, it is painful for White to have to rely on this aji.
If the ,
exchange has taken place earlier then
loses its power and
is possible.
Variation for Black
What if Black plays this way?
After White will capture something to make life.
Suppose Black knows all this and plays below to defend in sente?