Joseki-related life-and-death example 5

    Keywords: Joseki, Life & Death

White has invaded at the 3-3 point with W1 and Black has blocked with B2. How should White play next?

Here's the correct move:


Here is one sequence for white to live unconditionally:


After W5, a and b are miai for life.

Here's another possibility:


Again White lives.

Bad shape

What if White plays this way?

Bad shape  

W3 is bad shape, as ...

Black answers with 4 and, depending on White's response, White dies or, at best, gets a ko. Here are two cases where White dies, followed by the ko case:


...B4 is too good shape for Black (hane at the head of two) tderz
Locally White can't make two eyes but the aji of the clamp at a remains.
However, it is painful for White to have to rely on this aji.


White has a basic dead shape.


White gets a ko

One last example:


If the white+square, black+square exchange has taken place earlier then B4 loses its power and W3 is possible.

Variation for Black

What if Black plays this way?


This is one correct sequence for White:


But suppose Black persists at black+square?


Here is a clever sequence which lets White escape to the outside or else capture two stones:


What if Black ataris on the inside instead of playing B6 in the previous diagram?


After W7 White will capture something to make life.

Suppose Black knows all this and plays B1 below to defend in sente?


W2 makes life and later the clamp at a is not small.


Bob McGuigan

Joseki-related life-and-death example 5 last edited by Dieter on November 25, 2009 - 12:19
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