Jared Beck / Development Of Go Timeline

Sub-page of JaredBeck

This timeline is part of my study of the Development of Go.

Table of contents


First Nirensei

Honinbo Shuwa (white) in 1838 against Yasui Sanchi. (First Black Nirensei not until 1933)


Go and Kitani develop new opening theory

In the 1933, Go and Kitani took a holiday together and spent the summer developing a new opening theory. When they returned to Tokyo and tried out their new strategy with phenomenal results. Go took first place in the autumn ranking tournament and Kitani second. (Bozulich, 1999)

First Black Nirensei

Go Seigen vs. Kitani Minoru -- black playing his first two stones as nirensei.

Go tries out tengen on Shusai
[ext] http://gobase.org/games/china/misc/disks/2/go192x.sgf

In 1933, The Yomiuri Shimbun sponsored a Go championship. The winner of this tournament was to play Honinbo Shusai, the last hereditary head of the Honinbo house. Go, who was then only 19 (Shusai was 49), won the tournament and the Yomiuri promoted the upcoming game much as a heavyweight boxing match is promoted today, calling it "the clash of the century." (Bozulich, 1999)


Go Seigen - Kitani Minoru - Jubango

In 1939, Go played a 10-game match with Kitani. He won the match 6-4, and it is considered one of the great matches of the century. (Bozulich, 1999)


Go Seigen - Karigane Junichi - Jubango


Go Seigen - Hashimoto Utaro - Jubango


Honinbosen - Iwamoto Kaoru - Kitani Minoru


Go Seigen - Honinbo Iwamoto Kaoru - Jubango


Go Seigen - Fujisawa Kuranosuke - Jubango


Go Seigen - Fujisawa Kuranosuke - Second Jubango

Go Seigen - Iwamoto Kaoru - Sanbango


Go Seigen - Sakata Eio - Jubango

(although Sakata had defeated Go in a six game match earlier, the only player to have defeated Go in match play) (Jan van der Steen)

(1960-1965) The Sakata period


Meijin Title Takemiya Masaki and Cho Chikun

When they do invade, more often than not he (Takemiya) succeeds in gaining more territory by attacking the invading stones. At times, his attacks are so fierce that he kills off the invaders, forcing his opponents to resign. In Game Two of the 1996 Meijin title match, he defeated Cho Chikun in exactly this way. (Bozulich, 1999)

Jared Beck / Development Of Go Timeline last edited by ProtoDeuteric on August 2, 2006 - 22:09
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