Jared Beck/Go History

Sub-page of JaredBeck

Early 1990s

Some ask: "Why Did You Start Go" I was introduced to Go by a family friend, who loaned me a Go book. Given a cheap set by grandparents. At this point, I am interested in the game, but have nobody to play with.


I discovered Empty Sky Go Club in the spring and attend infrequently. Play every other week or so with a friend. I was about 14k. In the summer, I studied goproblems.com while at work, and played on Fridays at Ithaca Go Club, going from 14kyu to 10kyu. In the fall and winter, back at RIT, I played frequently at Empty Sky. On December 20th, I played online (on KGS) for the first time.


In 2004, playing frequently on KGS, I moved from 8k to 4k. I remember working harder at go than at my internship. In November of 2005 I became AGA Shodan. In August of 2006, I became AGA 2d after the US Go Congress. In 2007, I won first place in US Open 2 dan section, and became AGA 3d.


I enjoy playing at the Cornell Go Club, and still go to the occasional tournament.

Jared Beck/Go History last edited by jared on January 19, 2009 - 05:48
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