Some online Go clubs have become very popular, yet I can't shake the feeling that something is missing.
Let's consider the Ideal Online Go Club :
Online go clubs exist simultaneously in two places: a go server and a club website. Membership is diverse and potentially large. With the dedication of a few capable organizers, many activities and services are possible.
An online club naturally has members from many different time zones. The sucessful club must acommodate such varied schedules.
Activities must be promoted effectively; communicated to the entire club ..
Tournaments might be the most fun part of any club.
Online tournaments typically require players to schedule games by themselves. Inevitably, some games are not played. Often, many games are not played. Tournamets must be flexible enough to accomodate these missing games.
Teaching might be the most valuable part of any club.
Available and willing teachers must be immeditately recognizable.
A good website is essential. The site should take care of everything the Go Server cannot do, such as: