Jared Beck/Why Did I Start Go

Sub-page of JaredBeck

Why Did I Start Go

The common lament.

These five "interview" questions are answers to the popular page Why Did You Start Go

1. How did you become interested in Go?

A family friend whom I respect taught me to play Go. I was about 12 years old.

2. Why did you decide to start pursuing it more seriously?

I've always loved games. Go became my favorite game in 2003, when I found my University's Go club.

3. Before you started playing Go, having only heard about it, what did you think about it?

I heard about Go from a friend, then learned the basics from a book. There was really no one to play for 10 years. I thought it was a neat game, but since no one else played it, I couldn't get too excited about it.

4. Did it turn out to be anything like you expected it to?

Not at all! I never guessed how much I would come to enjoy it.

5. What could we do to make Go more popular in the West?

Interesting question. We cannot directly make Go more popular in the West. The current Western culture cannot support a game such as Go. The people's attention spans are too limited, and not enough emphasis is placed on personal mental development. Without this emphasis, not enough respect is given to those who do develop their minds. Without the cultural support for Western Go celebrities, Go cannot attain mass appeal.

Nonetheless, Go can still become somewhat more popular. I teach anyone who listens. I don't, however, see Go becoming broadly popular, without a change of paradigm among the populace.

I would note that the University atmosphere is the perfect place to spread Go: lively, competitive environment of peers/friends, with respect given to acknowledged masters (just as students acknowledge professors).

See also: Publicity

Jared Beck/Why Did I Start Go last edited by on January 10, 2007 - 21:36
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