This is an art game I'm working on. Feel free to critique my play--I'm just a 1d, so I'm sure it's far from perfect!
Black's moves through are an opening I play often. I like to create groups that are solid and territorial, and then attack from them.
I chose the hoshi opening for W because this is the most common response, and one I'm not particularly comfortable playing as W. When I encounter and
, I usually prevent an enclosure by approaching.
In this position, this approach is common, and I frequently respond with this
are normal, but
is a less common play that starts my favorite joseki (see "A fighting variation" on 34PointHighApproachTwoSpaceHighPincerOgeima).
At this point the joseki I have found is this, ending with a large capture of stones after white "a", black "b". I am skeptical of this as joseki, as I don't like this result at all as white. In my view, the exchange of for
is a thank you move, forcing black to play the move that he wants to play to ensnare white's stones.
To avoid that variation, I chose this .
At this point there are many temptations away from life for black. The atari at "a" loses the capturing race without white's thank-you move. The cut at "b" lets the black group die when white simply connects at "c". The atari at "d" lives small in the corner, but gives up the marked black stone. So black's best move is , connecting while threatening to capture white's stones.