Request for deletion
xela: Are you sure you want this page to be deleted? It means that your tesuji set, which looks potentially quite useful, would be unreachable. Maybe you could just put a "work in progress" notice here if you think the tesuji set isn't ready for public consumption.
Directions The problems are all "black to play for best result" and have been put in order with as little text as possible to make it easy to go through them quickly. Just as in a real game, the best play for black may be tenuki. The problems may result in life, death, ko, capturing a few stones, connecting, cutting, or any other situation. There are 100 problems in each set: the first 50 introduce new concepts and the second 50 review and combine concepts and are more complex.
How to use these problems The first time you do a set of problems, you should go through and look at the answers after each problem. After that you should attempt for speed, without looking at the answers, but taking enough time to be sure that your answer is correct. The goal is to get to the point that your answer to each problem is automatic.