Inoue Gen'an Inseki

    Keywords: Culture & History, People

(井上幻庵因碩, 1798–1859) Head of the Inoue house (1824–1848), proposed a changed numbering that made him the eleventh head (rather than tenth), by including Doseki at the head of the list. At various times known as Hashimoto Intetsu (橋本因徹, 1809– ), Hattori Rittetsu (服部立徹, 1810– ), Inoue Ansetsu (井上安節, 1819– ), Inoue Inseki (井上因碩, head of the house, 1824– ), Inoue Gen(n)an (1848– , after retirement).

He is considered to be one of the Four Sages, nearest players to lifetime Meijin.

Honinbo Jowa was his great rival for the post of Meijin-Godokoro. Jowa was successful in 1831, but only as a result of behind-the-scenes intrigues, and Gen'an Inseki never attained the post. Later, his application for Meijin was challenged & rebuffed by Honinbo Shuwa in a two game match. These events led to future animosity from the Inoue house against the Honinbo house.

Author of several go books including Igo Shukairoku and Igo Myoden.

He was inducted to Nihon Ki-in Hall of Fame in 2016.

Inoue Gen'an Inseki last edited by Jono64a on July 18, 2024 - 19:31
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