Hane Tsugi / Advanced

Path: <= Endgame =>
Sub-page of HaneTsugi

1. Black's connection

Hane Tsugi (basic)  

First of all, Black has to decide whether to connect or not. For details, please read endgame connect or not.

~srn347: Isn't it a mistake to play B2 if you're not going to connect?

hnishy: B2 is generally a good move, limiting White's later options.

anonymous: As in many cases it depends on the rest of the board. If W1 were a ko threat and the value of the ko is smaller than potential the damage to Black from not connecting but larger than the damage to White from not playing W3, then Black might not connect.

How to connect  

If he decides to connect, there are basically three ways for Black to do so: a, b, and c.


Special case  

When the marked stones are present, B1 is often an efficient way to defend the cutting point. It gives White more ko threats though.

2. White's shape

Two stones  

When White has two stones on the second line, covered by black stones on the third as here, the hane tsugi is not possible because of Black's atari at B4. This situation is considered to be Black's endgame sente.

When supported  

With support stones behind, White may play this way. Black's cut at a is ineffective and White is threatening a low-risk ko starting from b.

Three stones (5 at 2)  

With three stones, there are some problems. An attempt by white to hane-tsugi may be met by a throw-in B2 (a liberty reducing tesuji). B4 prevents further advance by White because of his defect at a. Therefore W1 at B2 is often correct. (B4 at b is not usually advisable because it gives White an opportunity to start ko by cutting at B4.)

3. Black's shape

Weakness 1  

Black's shape can have a comparable weakness. Instead of connecting at B4, W3 plays atari and W5 captures three or more black stones . Black can start a ko by playing B6 at a, but the ko entirely favours White (hanami ko).

Weakness 1  

Black should stretch once, then block.

Weakness 2  

With white+circle present, Black has another weakness to be careful of. If he blocks at B2, W3 is severe. If Black captures at a, White b will at least capture two stones and destroy black's defence line. If Black b, White c is more than White could expect to begin with.

Weakness 2  

Here too, Black should cede a little territory. The empty triangle of B2 is best when there is no eye shape at stake:

Weakness 2  

If Black plays B2 in fear of bad shape, he loses two more points compared to the previous diagram.

No weakness 2  

If Black has black+circle present, no such weakness exists.

4. Avoid Ko

Q: Have you met a situation which it is possible to defend with an atari, but we should not atari? Why?

A: It is because of ko.

Simple Response  

Bleedo:This is a ko to always avoid since black can always extend 2 as a ko threat.

Alex: Always to avoid for who? Yeah, Black can extend from the atari as a ko threat, sure, but just because he has a local threat doesn't make the ko good for him. This is hanami ko for White, so it's Black who should avoid it, unless he's got way more threats than White. It only costs two points to back down, and a lot more if Black loses.

fractic: Also, if Black extends from 2 the ko becomes bigger and that will make it easier for white to profit from, since Black will need bigger ko-threaths.

Drop back to avoid ko  

If the ko is serious to you, or you know you are a ko loser, don't atari! Although this costs you 2 points, do you feel it is much better if you let W invade your territory (when you lose the ko)? :-)

5. Descent to get sente

sente for White  

In this position, White's hane on the second line is gote because the black+circle stone protects. W1 descent threatens a deeper invasion at a. If Black blocks at B2, hane on the first line is sente.

kmr - Instead of this B2, black should play 3. If then white 2 black 6, and white 5 is gote.

hnishy: Yes, though Black must be careful about peep at B6. Anyway White keeps sente.

Black's countermeasure (B3 elsewhere)  

If it's Black's turn in the diagram, he can play a sacrifice hane B1 himself to prevent White's descent above. White's capture is gote.

White's best (B3 elsewhere)  

So White plays on the first line to keep sente (W4 threatens to invade at B7).

6. Combinations

When you have two hane possibilities nearby, some clever combinations are possible.

double threat  

This is a sometimes seen shape in practice. W5, playing at the center of symmetry, is a double threat; a and b are miai. Black should play B4 at b if ko threat situation is unfavorable.

double hane (W11 at a)  

W1 and W3 prepare ko. If Black defends at B4, White can play double hane on the other side in sente (or W5 at B6, depending on circumstances).

Path: <= Endgame =>
Hane Tsugi / Advanced last edited by hnishy on July 6, 2024 - 01:17
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