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Ogawa Doteki (道的, 1669-1690) was a pupil of, and heir to, Honinbo Dosaku. Due to his quick growth in go strength, young age and untimely death he has been considered one of go's great lost prodigies.

Doteki was born in Ise Matsuzaka, Japan in 1669. His Go talent was recognized at an early age and, thus, he was sent to Edo to become a disciple of the Honinbo house.

He developed rapidly, reaching 6-dan by the age of 13 and becoming the heir to the Honinbo house at 15 (1684). The following year, he began playing in the Castle Games and was promoted to 7-dan -- awarding him a ten-fold monetary allotment from the government.

One day, Godokoro Dosaku decided to test Doteki by playing him two, even games. The result was a tie, with both players winning a game by one point as Black.[1][2] However, it's uncertain whether the result was contrived by Dosaku, a common tactic among strong teachers in classical go. Nevertheless, Doteki's strength has been referenced in many texts and by many professionals. For example, Go Seigen once said, in an interview, that Doteki was the greatest genius in the history of the game.[3]

Castle Games

  • 1684-12-16 Yasui Shunchi - Honinbo Doteki, B+7
  • 1685-11-30 Honinbo Doteki - Yasui Shunchi, W+3
  • 1686-12-19 Honinbo Doteki - Yasui Shunchi, B+5
  • 1688-12-12 Yasui Chitetsu - Honinbo Doteki, B+12
  • 1689-12-19 Honinbo Doteki - Yasui Chitetsu, W+17

valerio: the first name is the player playing White. The 1687 game is missing [ext] Italian blog or Chinese [ext] Wikipedia


A game of his against Honinbo Dosaku is covered in the book Killer of Go and a game record of another game is shown in Appreciating Famous Games.

Some games of his can be found here (Castle Games & matches w/Dosaku and Dosetsu): [ext]

[1] Sakata Eio - Killer of Go
[2] Go World, Iss. 12
[3] [ext] British Go Journal, Iss. 17

Doteki last edited by Bodhi on May 29, 2024 - 11:43
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