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Who I am

I am a systems dev engineer in Network Automation in Boston, USA. I have a rabbit and three human children.

This username is mostly unused. I'm Kabit on OGS and most other places.

Go Clubs

I'm a member of the following go clubs:

Massachusetts Go Association

Contact me

Places of Interest:

KGS Rank History

Date            Rank            Game
2007-03-20       1-kyu          Probably fake... 2 bots and a loss
2006-09-29       3-kyu          KGS fixes itself!
2004-09-02       7-kyu          jraitsev2(9k)
2004-06-28       8-kyu          Siracusa(9k)
2004-05-24       8-kyu          1HC larryr(8k)
2004-04-22       9-kyu          1HC Pub(9k)
2004-03-08       10-kyu         3HC Minipousse(14k)
2004-02-03       11-kyu         Charos(11k)
2004-01-21       12-kyu         (Natural increase)
2003-12-26       13-kyu         Razorbrain(15k?)
2003-12-01       14-kyu         2HC Googol(13k)
2003-11-25       15-kyu         damitus(16k)
2003-11-10       16-kyu         swing39(17k)
2003-11-05       17-kyu         beniamino(18k)
2003-11-04       no? 18-kyu     Straza(?)

AGA Rank

Date            Rank    Place    Event
2007-08-01       1k      ---     MGA Summer Handicap Tournament
2006-07-16       3k
2006-04-30       2k
2005-07-17       2-3k
2005-07-17       3k      3rd     MGA Summer Handicap Tournament
2005-10-11       5k      ---     MGA Fall Handicap Tournament

View [ext] My Latest AGA Rank

Messages From Others

SirLyric: Hey, thought I'd let you know the RSS/Atom features on are returning 404s...

Malweth: This is now old information. My current blog is at [[Removed Link]]

Velobici: The URL for was stolen ? This is new to me. Seen cases where folks did not renew in time and lost a domain. Could you elaborate ? Oh, and have fun with Z transforms...I haven't looked at this material in 17 years.

EpicNaruto (16k): Hello, i would like to find a mentor and i think you would be a perfect teacher for me. I have been searching for a teacher since i started, and I have been obviously unsuccessful. My account on IGS and KGS is EpicNaruto. Email if you are interested, Thanks so much. If you know of anyone else who's looking for a dedicated student, please let me know or tell them about me. Thank you again.

You have a chocolate lab? Are you Willy Wonka in disguise?

Malweth: No, Mrs. Fields.

Malweth last edited by malweth on July 16, 2022 - 04:55
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