Youth Go
What is the sense of this page?
The page shall collect organising help and hints from and for young folks, who want to organise their own club, help players improve at their Go and give information about Youth Go around the world.
Who is a junior go player?
Usually, a junior go player is anyone under 18.
Table of contents |
Starting your own club
Any Junior Go player is welcome at a Go club, but if you want to start your own Go club, here is some information to help.
- School
- YMCA and similar
- Chess club
- Tell your friends
- If you are a member of a Go Association, ask for a list of Go players in your area
Where meet
- School
- Youth center
- at home
- cheap cafe
Where advertise
- Schools
- Youth centers
- Local newspaper
- This webpage
- Internet
- boards, stones, books: ask the local go club for material
- clocks: ask the go club or some chess players for unused clocks; maybe you get one or two for a cheap price. Also possible: flea market. It is not too difficult to repair a defect clock.
- Yearly CD: idea for a collection of binary material on a CD
- It's good to have some resources for printouts
- The strongest player needn't be the group leader or trainer.
- Teaching Methods (path page)
Links inside SL
If anyone has any links on SL, feel free to add them.
- YouthTournamentsIndex
- American Go Foundation supports school go in America
- Tiger's Mouth Go meeting place of the American Go Foundation
- Zenmachine supports go for childeren in the UK
Also visit Pages for Beginners if you are a beginner in the game.
Links (external)
Other things
Depending on rank, you can usually enter any tournament regardless of age, but there are some tournaments aimed solely at young Go players.
- go4school School-Go-Community, Forum, organising the 'Hans Pietsch Memorial'-Pupils-Team-Tournament
- British Youth Go Championships 25th March 2007.
- European Youth Go Championships 8-11 March 2007
Have Fun
- Hikaru No Go (path page)
- There is a comic strip series by Andreas Fecke called Stones ( preview).
Discussion, Q&A
sjd123: There doesn't seem to be much on this website about Youth Go in Britain, or anywhere else in the world. I'm going to do a page on it now...
RueLue: Just begin with the skeleton, the rest comes itself.
sjd123: Thanks RueLue, you got it right. I'll start to build on it now.
[sjd123[: Wow, this page is really pointless
Spiritweaver: I think we need a page for experiences with clubs in addition to the pages we have about teaching Go. I live in an area where I'm pretty much the only one who knows about go, so I've been dragging anyone I can into playing in my club. In addition to the few local people interested, they're teenagers and would rather dive in and play than learn about strategies that would help them improve dramatically. I try to take it slow and avoid to over-explaining things when I review games, and I give them plenty of time to play without me breathing down their necks, but man, I never realized how difficult we teenagers can be.
Phelan: We have SettingUpAGoClub. Does this fit what you wanted? There's also TeachingGoToNewcomers.