Yamabe-Hashimoto tengen game

    Keywords: Opening, Culture & History

Played 1950-02-11, as part of an East-West match.

Black was Yamabe Toshiro then 5 dan; White was Hashimoto Utaro then 8 dan.

Moves 1-10: fighting spirits!  

Yamabe-Hashimoto: 11-20  
Yamabe-Hashimoto: 21-30  

Both players use to the maximum the three first-played stones... Again, lots of fighting spirit.

Yamabe-Hashimoto: 31-40  

B9 is a mistake in direction: it should have been a block at a.

Yamabe-Hashimoto: 41-50  

When White connected with White 40 to White 46 he had already a favourable game. Yamabe resigned at move 234.

Yamabe-Hashimoto: 51-60  

Almost exactly 7 months later, on September 13th, Hashimoto lead the secession of the Kansai Ki-in from the Nihon Ki-in, bringing the Honinbo title with him.

AvatarDJFlux: I used this game for one of the questions in my second series of quizzes.
In the solution page I gave a little historical information and the first 60 moves (Hashimoto was already ahead by then) with very sketchy comments.
When Dave started the Black Sheep Rengo 2003 on Tengen I couldn't help but reply with Hashimoto's Kakari...

Yamabe-Hashimoto tengen game last edited by hnishy on July 6, 2024 - 05:43
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