Please also have a look onto the discussion page for problems that are no erratum.
About the problem, "White to play and win for sure.":
The given solution (or problem) seems wrong. It was discussed on
Problem taken from third printing, not changed in later printings.
In the first printing something may have been slightly different.
What is the collective wisdom here? Incorrect solution? Wrong problem diagram? Combination?
White suffers from a double shortage of liberties and therefore is dead.
Herman Hiddema: If you amend the problem like this, the given solution works:
But the 1st printing of the Ishi Press edition has this as the original problem (extra black and white stone stretching up). This will work with the suggested solution (except the published solution seems still missing these extra stones), no?
If white plays 4 at 5, she either has a ko to escape or links up with the white side, unless I have missed something.
p143 Swap diagrams 5 and 6 to cause them to match the numbering in the answers.
There is a lot of scope for fighting and a great deal of complication in this move. It seems that black cannot kill white. (In the fifth printing, May 1995, the position of the surrounding stones is different and colours are reversed, but the technique is the same. The text has a comment "[Black] can save his cutting stones if he plays a certain way, but White can get a good result anyhow". The solution contains a variation for at a, but no discussion of the in this diagram.) A more complicated variation: