Bi Jang
Bi Jang, or Rain Jang, was among the United States's strongest players in 2007 and 2008. He is a former first group Korean yeonguseng, and winner of the 2007 and 2008 Cotsen Go Tournament. He was fourth in the 2008 US Open with four wins, and two losses coming to Myungwan Kim and Yin Kuo. In 2003, he went 8-2 in the European Go Congress, tying for second.
He moved to Seattle, WA to study English and teach Go. By summer of 2009, he returned to Korea. As of July 2010, he is living in Australia and teaching at AnYounggil's Young Go Academy.
He has played on KGS as gentlerain, and played an exhibition game against Tartrate which he won. See TartrateVsGentlerain.