Tournament Go 1992

Tournament Go 1992
By: John Power
Publisher: Power Publications, June 1996
ISBN10 4-93-8906-00-7
266 pp.

A 266 page book containing 50 game commentaries from Japanese and international title games compiled and translated by John Power and published by Power Publications. Strangely, the cover thickness is like a magazine cover in spite of the book being a standard paperback binding. "The reason that this book exists is that Go World didn't come out in 1992" (David Carlton)

Anonymous, 2003: I bought this book secondhand, and I can really advise EVERY go-fan to buy this book. It's full of interesting matches and great comments, while the top players sometimes even comment their own games (Cho Chikun, Takemiya Masaki, Kobayashi Koichi) A must have, really.

Tournaments included:


David Carlton's [ext] review

Table of Contents

to be added

Sample Material

to be added

Tournament Go 1992 last edited by hnishy on July 26, 2024 - 04:24
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