The Breakthrough To Shodan
Ishi Press book from 1976, translation of a series of 10 articles that Miyamoto Naoki wrote for the Igo Shincho in 1973 and 1974. It analyses 3- and 4-stone handicap play games, presumably on the assumption that in a Japanese club the problem is with beating higher-level opposition, rather than finding it.
Included in the Kiseido Digital Bookshelf or as reprints on Amazon.
Dieter: A main theme in Miyamoto's comments is defiance of proverbs, particularly in handicap games. He encourages reading a couple of moves and evaluating the global position, instead of relying on proverbs. Examples of questioned proverbs are the technical proverb Hane at the Head of Two Stones and the strategical proverb don't push along the fifth line. He puts a lot of emphasis on thickness and advises us to seek simple joseki that fit the global position, rather than seek complications. As an example, he strongly discourages entering at the 3-4 point when White has opened at the 5-4 point but to invade at the 3-3 point instead as soon as White has made two extensions.
I am revealing a little too much of the content, I fear, but I wanted to give example of how this Japanese author defies conventional wisdom as we have often adopted it in the West. A very interesting book. David Carlton's site says that a high dan amateur said this book should be called The Breakthrough to Professional Shodan. It is true that this book is at a high level for me as a 2 dan.
Table of Contents
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Sample Material
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