Ohashi Hirofumi

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Ohashi Hirofumi (大橋拓文) Japanese 6 dan, pupil of Kikuchi Yasuro, born 1984-05-25.

Promotion record:

  • 1 dan in 2002
  • 2 dan in 2002
  • 3 dan in 2003
  • 4 dan in 2006
  • 5 dan in 2011
  • 6 dan in 2013
  • 7 dan in 2022

Runner-up in the 1st Okage in 2010.

He has a [ext] Youtube-Channel.

Profile at Nihon Kiin site [ext] http://www.nihonkiin.or.jp/player/htm/ki000382.htm


Monteo: He is said to be 'spaceman', the top 9x9 go player at GoQuest today. See [ext] http://bengozen.com/2014/09/30/journey-entry-04/ and [ext] http://wars.fm/go9#user/spaceman

oren He is spaceman and was butterfly2 on KGS for a period of time. He regularly writes articles on computer go for Go World in Japan.

Ohashi Hirofumi last edited by hnishy on July 24, 2024 - 02:41
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