Sandy Harris

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Canadian who lived in China 2002-2012, now in Canada, will likely go back to Asia at some point.

I am also Pashley on [ext] Wikivoyage, a travel guide wiki, where I mostly contribute about China.

I spent ten years in China, but did not play a lot there & did not know my rank; see comments at Rank in China. I was 14k on Kiseido when I left, knew I'd improved some but was not sure how much. I told one opponent I thought about 12k; he was 3k Kiseido, we played even & of course he won, but he made my day by calling me "the strongest damned 12 kyu I've seen."

Playing on Kiseido since my return, rank varies from 5k to 8k.

I have sometimes worked as an English teacher; great for travel. At other times, I've been a hacker, doing more-or-less every computer job at one time or another, mainly training and technical writing. My last writing project was documentation for [ext] FreeSWAN, a Linux implementation of IPsec.

Until 2012 I worked as an editor, improving papers that Chinese graduate students in Computer Science wanted to submit to journals or conferences.

My [ext] Erdos number is 4. I do not know my Shusaku number.

email: sandyinchina at

Sandy Harris last edited by pashley on April 27, 2014 - 17:03
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