Ongoing Game 4
kb: There hasn't been an ongoing game on Sensei's for quite a while, so let's start a new one! Anyone is free to make a move, but once you play for one side, please only play for that side. Also, give others a chance to play before playing the move yourself. Feel free to make a comment when you play the move.
Komi is 6.5 for this game.
Discussion of moves in /Discussion.
Review in /Review.
kb: Connect
JG: Connect to ensure no weakness later.
unkx80: Play a sente move first.
MrTenuki: Forced.
TedErnst: Mix things up
ThorAvaTahr: I just don't want trouble in our biggest area.
kb: Threaten some rather nasty things.
JG: Keep calm and stay connected.
Black resigns at move 178.
unkx80: Just connect.
JG: May be the right time for this move.
gauss: Double sente.
ThorAvaTahr: I am not quite sure whether this is the largest point on the board, but well let's believe black this time :)
fractic: keep playing endgame.
symplicity: Threaten Black's connection while blocking.
ap: seems needed
Herman Hiddema: hane on the first line
: Dieter: I wanted to make the next move. Too bad.
: ThorAvaTahr: Perhaps black will think this is sente ;)
fractic: Retaking the ko.
Herman Hiddema: defend
Dieter: Master happy but not sure is master.
MrTenuki: Again, please see the discussion page :-@
ap: keep on keeping on
At 151, connecting the ko. Malcolm: I reckon White can win this way. Sorry if I'm wrong!
fractic: If white ignores the threat we have to make good on it.
Herman Hiddema: Back to playing endgame, then
Dieter: Declaration of close game.
: take stone in sente
ap shortage of liberties
LukeNine45: Three outside liberties, three holes to fill, no?
MrTenuki: See discussion page for spoilers... :-@
Dieter: Master know what he doing.
LukeNine45: Don't look a gift horse in the mouth...
fractic: An attempt to salvage something.
symplicity: Obvious.
ap: plenty of venom in this sting
MrTenuki: I think White does have to respond to this...
ap: aversion to gote, even big gote
LukeNine45: Keep it all connected...
wouldn't make sense otherwise...
fractic: Saving the stone is important.
Ryzours : seems obvious
Andy Pierce: I'd like to keep going for a bit, but I think white has a substantial lead.
LukeNine45: Stay connected. Now that black is open at the top it feels close again.
kb: This looks like it gives Black the most aji and the most points.
kb: Close off territory in sente
MrTenuki: Looks forced to me...
fractic: What kb said.
Herman Hiddema: Prevent black from closing off territory :)
Andy Pierce: usual
LukeNine45: Obvious
JG This move should earn points even if black responds locally.
unkx80: So many big moves on the board. I don't know where is the biggest.
LukeNine45: Maybe black has to give up some points here to avoid really bad aji?
Dieter: no comment
Herman Hiddema: Big move that connects
Herman Hiddema: Stay connected in the center
unkx80: Just to get the game going.
JG: Black is thick outside. Monkey-jump may be well-timed.
Jamal: peep
kb: Defend, this is large.
LukeNine45: Maybe we can make enough trouble here to catch up.
gauss: Looks like I need to remove a liberty from
while defending the weakness on the bottom.
Tapir: Let us try it...
Dieter: and deny it ...
LukeNine45: I don't think the sequence from 4-8 lost us more than it gained us.
Ryzours White lives. Ready for counterattack.
gauss Connect.
Herman Hiddema: Will black let us connect under here?
Dieter: Go ahead
LukeNine45: We're way behind. How'd that happen?
unkx80: Of course Black needs to connect the dragon back. But before connecting, I want to see how White responds to this.
MrTenuki: Go ahead and take the two stones in gote.
fractic: Black has to connect.
Herman Hiddema: I'll take this then.
unkx80: Obvious move.
malcolm: let's move out
golearner: Move out? Which way is out?
malcolm: we shall see what we shall see...
kb: Make a feint to the east while attacking in the west
Herman Hiddema: Cut first, think later
Ryzours: I think this works. (don't ask me what I mean by that, I'm just a kyu.)
gauss: This seems like the way to punish the tenuki.
MrTenuki: Playing tenuki twice isn't really an option this time.
gauss: I'll jump in. This move looks funny, but it seems better than the alternatives.
ThorAvaTahr: LukeNine45's first part of the plan worked, now for the second part
Bill: The spot on the left side, I think.
Jamal: Blocking is unreasonable, so try for influence and escape into the center.
Andy Pierce: I guess this is the idea here.
Tapir: Don't follow your opponent around...
Herman Hiddema: This side is starting to feel weak :)
unkx80: Eat the
malcolm: painful but necessary
fractic: Trying to stay light.
Jamal: This is an important shape point for both sides.
Herman Hiddema: Split...
ThorAvaTahr: Cut! I dare you ;)
unkx80: I don't dare to. =)
MrTenuki: The forced move.
fractic: Let's keep running out.
LukeNine45: No connection possible, so give black bad shape before stabilizing this stone.
fractic: Letting two groups be enclosed would be too much.
Jamal: Hane from an attachment
Andy Pierce: Only response.
Tapir: The only response I can imagine.
kb: This may turn out to be a good move...
Herman Hiddema: Lets tenuki again -> largest open space :)
Bill: My turn to make an overplay. ;)
kb: Time for Black to assume the Party Escort "Submission" Position. (For those of you who don't know what I mean, it's a reference to the video game
LukeNine45: Force before defending.
fractic: I don't like having to make this move, but I don't see any alternatives.
Jamal: Honte, I hope. Or 1 space to the right?
golearner: Or one to the left?
Herman Hiddema: Prevent sente shape move for black :)
kb: As much as I don't want to play here, my gut is screaming honte.
ThorAvaTahr: Why (oh why...) did I choose the white side?
Herman Hiddema: Why (oh why...) is everybody still playing there?
LukeNine45: I almost played
but I couldn't decide and was happy ThorAvaTahr beat me to it... ;)
Andy Pierce: Time to help
LukeNine45: Try to settle quickly. (This move under the theory that a bad move is better than no move at all...)
Jamal: Keep sente
fractic: Defending the weakness.
Ryzours It'd be so nice if white could connect his two weak groups.
unkx80: The game has come to a critical juncture, so I think Black must be prepared to make some risky moves. This move is in preparation for a battle ahead.
Andy Pierce: This isn't the move I had originally envisaged for black on this side, but I think this is a reasonable compromise between pressuring white (to keep sente) and removing bad aji for black.
ThorAvaTahr: Can these strong black stones help white get stronger in sente?
fractic: I think the lower right is the most urgent area. The black stone at the top is still light.
tapir: White needs a base.
tapir: Might be not good... but after 22 somehow natural.
LukeNine45: Get out, try not to help black. Could some DDKs make a play for black? White is losing! ;)
fractic: Trying to keep the pressure up.
Ryzours: White gets out, no need to worry, the situation is not that bad (but I think it is bad, alright).
fractic: Can't let the corner get surrounded.
Ryzours trying to keep the two black stones somewhat separated, I hope it won't start something ugly.
Andy Pierce Try to make
look inefficient or misplaced.
Jamal Trying to decide what is bigger, the corner or the top
fractic: The natural move.
LukeNine45: Extend from a cross-cut, try to maintain a relationship with
. (No clue how close to joseki this is.)
kb: Natural.
Herman Hiddema: Natural ;-)
kb: Not much point in waiting for someone else to do this :)
Herman Hiddema: Well, this is rather obvious too, might as well play it and make a new board :)
kb: I flipped a coin between the star point and komoku, and well, here's what turned up.
Herman Hiddema: I like
fractic: I prefer the lower right over the lower left.
Ryzours : I like sansan when playing white.
Andy Pierce: Let's honor Honinbo Shuei with
Tapir: In doubt, tenuki.
kb: Good balance with
PurpleHaze: High because the other white stones are low.
Dieter: Difficult to discuss a move without giving away what's coming. So I'll suffice to say I have my reasons for this move. And if
is wrong, then that statement deserves a page on its own here.
Jamal: Time to escape and now black can play something on the top right corner