Hi, I go by gauss here and on GoDiscussions. I'm currently (20080315) 6k on KGS, playing as prokofiev.
I'm a Ph.D. student in math, as you may guess from my handle. As for the name prokofiev, I'm not so musically talented, I simply like Prokofiev, especially his Piano Concertos No. 2 & 3 and his ballet Romeo & Juliet.
I've recently updated ProblemBookGrades with my time for GradedGoProblemsForBeginners, Vol. 2, which I just went through for the second time (the first was perhaps a year ago). Perhaps I'll get around to timing myself for other problem books. My philosophy here is to go through the problems in my usual manner and not to worry too much about the time, but simply to record it. I feel I get more benefit from this than any attempt to "get a high score," which is, in addition, contrary to the point of the page, which is about grading the books so people will have an accurate measure of how hard the problems are and how long they take people of various grades.